About Me
Profile Generator Im Lively at LunchtimeYep, at high noon Im in high gear. When the sun is shining its brightest, so am i. This makes me dynamic when doing lunch and keeps me sharp, aware, and unstoppable throughout the early afternoon. Noon is when i think my clearest and most creatively, when even the toughest hurdles seem to crumble at my feet.This isn't to say that i never slow down. At times i can be a bit of a grouch in the early morning, and post-dinner events can sometimes seem like more trouble than they're worth. Because of this, my often brilliant musings and personable personality don't always come through as clearly as they should at evening functions like dinner parties and after-work activities.This is when i need a pick-me-up. A late afternoon nap and a power shower never fails to put a little sunshine back in me, keeping me chugging away until Im in my in high-noon high-gear once again!