teaching:learning, community empowerment, social justice, exploring, thinking, reading, films, decorating, designing, writing when inspired, walking, photography, the visual arts, the spoken arts, people who humble me, human rights, youth, different cultures, color, the earth, nature, trees (i would marry a tree if i could), the deen, the Creator and the created, the righteous but not the self-righteous, monkeys, how everything comes from soil and water, fruits like lychee and mango, sidewalk conversations, landscaping, home improvement, making things by hand, painting, fashion, cities and farms, socio-economic realities, nature shows, the moon, world health care, non-processed-over-bleached-hydrogenized-fructosified food, cookbooks, drooling on cookbooks, watching cooking shows, making pretty food, baking, eating, beaches/oceans, nature hikes, bike riding, pretending to skateboard, babies, romance, photojournalism, the plights of people, people with melanin, struggle, empowerment, discipline, and women who don't put up with ish.
workers and thinkers
yes please
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movies or documentaries that capture real life in all its beauty and repulsion.... from the Battle of Algiers to Their Eyes Were Watching God
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I have a lot of half-read books, I admit. Somewhere past the first few pages or chapters, I get over-stimulated and start walking around in circles, talking to myself. What, you don't do this?
all those single moms and working moms and stay-at-home moms and refugee moms and the work-two-jobs moms and the adoptee moms and *the good* foster moms and the bending backwards moms and rise up moms and the freedom fighter moms and the mothers of the believers moms and my mom.