Artist's Prayer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>~~~My voice, ears, and heart are gifts from the Creator
Which I use to their greatest potential for the good of humankind.There is no wrong way to use my gifts,
As long as I keep the creative channel open and pure,
Free of fear, judgment, doubt and negativity.My gifts are for healing, expression and enjoyment.
I give thanks to the Creator for these gifts,
And for giving me the means to put them to use.There is greater purpose behind my actions,
For I am merely following my inner voice~
The voice that is connected to the mystery of all things;The Spirit.I create, therefore I am.<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~From Jennie Laws,
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Morgan Freeman, Steve Martin, Depoc Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and Samual L. Jackson.Inner Voice performs Holy @ Agape .. Add to My Profile | More Videos