.:*♥ MisS. TiN$LeY ♥*:. profile picture

.:*♥ MisS. TiN$LeY ♥*:.

Dont worry bout mine, i'm gone grind till i get it.......B/c the sky is the limit, the sky is the li

About Me

"Once a gud gurls gone bad,....she's gone 4eva"
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: brOwN
Hair Color:: brOwN
Height:: 5'6
Favorite Color:: bLuE
Screen Name:: YaHoo: Chynadoll24054 aOL: chynagurl33
Favorite Band:: jaGgEd EdGe
Favorite Movie:: LoVe & BaSkeTbaLL
Favorite Show:: C.S.I.
Your Car:: don'T haVe 1 yEt :(
Your Hometown:: AxToN Va.
Your Present Town:: EdEn
Your Crushes First Name:: oMaRi
Your Grade:: 12th. C/o '06!:)
Your Style:: 1 in a miLLiOn :)
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: nAw
Kissed someone in the rain?: aaww, nAw
Danced in a public place?: heCk yea :)
Smiled for no reason?: yep :)
Laughed so hard you cried?: oh yeA
Peed your pants after age 8?: naw
Written a song?: naw
Sang to someone for no reason?: yeP :)
Performed on a stage?: yeP
Talked to someone you don't know?: aLL the tiMe!!
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yeP :)
Made out in a theatre?: naW
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: nOpE
Been in love?: yeP
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: my AuNt RoSaBeLL :)
Tell you, I love you?: Derreck :)
Kiss you?: Derreck:)
Hug you?: AnQuaN :)
Tell you BYE?: wHiTLeY :)
Write you a note?: K.P.:)
Take your photo?: Bee Aye :)
Call your cell phone?: J. MiLeS :)
Buy you something?: mY mOmmY :)
Go with you to the movies?: KrYsTa ( i think)
Sing to you?: CaMeRoN :)
Write a poem about you?: um, somebody on blackplanet. idk
Text message you?: bRoOkE :)
Touch you?: Derreck :)
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: liKe 2 miNs aGo :)
Time you cried?: SunDaY- SteVe leFt :( i'M goNe miSS u StEvE!!
Movie you watched?: PriDe & PreJuDiCe
Joke you told?: soMethinG oFF of a LaFFy TaFFy :)
Song you've sang?: GoOd LuCk cHaRm :)
Time you've looked at the clock?: 10:50 p.m.
Drink you've had?: DeSaNi
Number you've dialed?: mY coUsin VaLeRiE :)
Book you've read?: mOrTaL PrEy
Food you've eaten?: CoRnBreAd, CaBBage, sTeAk
Flavor of gum chewed?: pEppErMiNT :)
Shoes you've worn?: hOLLiStEr fLip FloPs :)
Store you've been in?: TeXaCo
Thing you've said?: "Ma, teLepHone!!" :)
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: i wiSh i coULd
Whistle?: Yep :)
Blow a bubble?: Yep :)
Roll your tounge in a circle?: i tHiNk sO :)
Cross your eyes?: Yep :)
Touch your tounge to your nose?: noPe
Dance?: i'vE hEarD :)
Gleek?: noPe, i haVenT rEaLLy trieD
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yep :)
Speak a different language?: a liTTLe esponol :)
Impersonate someone?: dePenD oN wHo iT iS :)
Prank call people?: noPe, i haVent triEd
Make a card pyramid?: noPe, i haVent triEd
Cook anything?: dePenD on wHat it is :)
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: an aNgeL, i wOulDnt haVe to woRRy abOuT noThin!:)
I wish ...: i coULd hiT the LoTTerY :)
So many people don't know that ...: i'm qUitE sEnSaTiVe & tHat i'M sCaRed of cRicKeTs :(
I am ...: wHaT God iNteNdeD fOr mE tO B! :)
My heart is ...: hUGE!! :) aNd sOmeTiMeS mY wEakNeSS
Take this survey |I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
i have FUN no matter what i do, or where i GO.
Name: SeLeiTa
Birthday: NoVemBer 9th, 1987
Birthplace: MaRTinsVille, Va :) (Va all day!!)
Current Location: GrEenSbOro
Eye Color: BrOwN
Hair Color: daRk bRoWn
Height: 5'6
Right Handed or Left Handed: iMMa riGhTy
Your Heritage: i gUeSS aFriCaN aMeRiCaN
The Shoes You Wore Today: JoRdaNs "Jays on my feet" :)
Your Weakness: B/BaLL pLaYeRs, HuGGs, & n E thiNg sWeet
Your Fears: HeArTbreAk & Crickets! TheY tRy to jUmP oN me, and i haVe to rUn!
Your Perfect Pizza: pePPeRoni & eXtRa cheEse!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: to haVe as mUch fUn as poSSibLe & kEeP mY GPA uP!!
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: BoO~bOo & LoL!! : D
Thoughts First Waking Up: daNg, i doNt waNNa gO to skoOL!!
Your Best Physical Feature: i'Ve hEaRd mY sMiLe, mY eYes, & LeGs!!
Your Bedtime: u kNo, whEneVer i geT sLeePy!!
Your Most Missed Memory: deFiniTLy bEinG w/ mY DaDDy & gRanDmA!! :)
Pepsi or Coke:&..39;
MacDonalds or Burger King: Bk, baBY!!
Single or Group Dates: eiTheR, doEsNt maTTer to mE :)
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: NeSTeA
Chocolate or Vanilla: UuUmMm, i LiKe bOtH!! ;)
Cappuccino or Coffee: bOtH :)
Do you Smoke: NoPe
Do you Swear: TrY nOt To
Do you Sing: heCk yEa, aLL tHe tiMe!! BuT i cAn'T!! Ha Ha!! :)
Do you Shower Daily: yEp!
Have you Been in Love: yEp!
Do you want to go to College: i'm n coLLeGe nOw! :)
Do you want to get Married: heEeEeEecCcCcCKkKKkK yea!! i CAN NOT waiT!! :)
Do you belive in yourself: iF i doN't, wHo wiLL??
Do you get Motion Sickness:
Do you think you are Attractive: SoMe wHat!!
Are you a Health Freak: NoT rEaLLy!!
Do you get along with your Parents: my DaDDy, yep!! My mA, sOmeTimEs
Do you like Thunderstorms: only in the summertime
Do you play an Instrument: uSeD tO
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: NoPe
In the past month have you Smoked: NoPe
In the past month have you been on Drugs: NoPe
In the past month have you gone on a Date: UuUmMmM...........
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: YeP :)
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: noT tHe wHoLe bOx!!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: NoPe
In the past month have you been on Stage: NoPe
In the past month have you been Dumped: NoPe
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nAw, i doN't thiNk sO, LoL ;)
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: a piEce oF gUm frOm mY ma ;)
Ever been Drunk: NoPe
Ever been called a Tease: yEp ;)
Ever been Beaten up: NoPe
Ever Shoplifted: NaW, nOt to mY knOwLeDgE
How do you want to Die: pAinLeSSLy oR in mY sLeEp
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: suCceSsFuL :)
What country would you most like to Visit: JaMaiCa
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: doEsnt maTTeR
Favourite Hair Color: daRk bRoWn
Short or Long Hair: sHoRt, i LoVe a Nice hAiRcuT! :)
Height: TaLLeR tHaN mE
Best Clothing Style: doEsNt reaLLy maTTer, as loNg as iT maTcH :)
Number of Drugs I have taken: ZeRo!!
Number of CDs I own: uUuMm, idk!!
Number of Piercings: tWo soOn tHrEe!!
Number of Tattoos: NoNe, buT i tHinK i waNt oNe :)
Number of things in my Past I Regret: tWo, buT tHinGs haPPen 4 a reAsoN!!
Which R&b or hip hop artists is your babys daddy.

your mans omarion he loves to show you his body and knows how you make you say O.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
R.I.P Daddy!! i ♥ u more than u'll ever kno! Words can not even explain how i feel right about now. i really dont kno what i'm gonna do without u. You were always, always there! Rains , sleet or snow, even if u had to walk!! I couldnt ask for a better dad, and friend!! i could talk to u about ANYTHING, it was almost unbelievable!!:) Although i know ur in a better place, i really hate to c u go!!U will always be in my ♥!! I ♥ u Daddy!!I will never for get September 23, 2006!!

My Interests

Hey MySpace, what’s good? Me? Jus graduated from high school, and ready for this challenge. i kno college isnt goin to be easy, but i kno it'll pay off in the end. Although, i love my classmates to death, i'm ready to meet new people, see some new faces, make more friends!! :) Jus 2 let u kno a lil about me, i want 2 keep it kinda simple, b/c i am a simple gurl. I have fun no matter wut i do, i`m kool with goin 2 the club 2 jus chillin @ the house watchin television, talkin on the phone. i even like 2 ball sometime. i like to run, chill w/ my friends and family, get/recieve huggs, and make people smile!! Um, some more of my interest inlude reading, watchin movies, goin to the movies, goin to partys, goin to church, and i LOVE music!! : D Whateva i do, i try to stay REAL! i kno that sounds a lil cliche', but that's jus ME : D i try to live & love everyday, as if it's my last, b/c i've learned in the past, that tomorrow is never promised!! i dont drink or smoke, i dont knock u if u do, i jus choose not to myself, u kno! : D i love bananas and Cheerios!!Some of mu favorite quotes: “free yourself" "N e thing don’t kill me, make me better" "U never miss ur well, till ur waters gone" "Be careful what you set your heart on, for it will surely be yours" "Never leave the 1 u love for the one u like because the 1 u like, will leave u for the 1 they Love"
Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

OmaRion, CondaLeeZa RiCe,LyFe JenNiNgS, Morris Chestnut & MarTin LuTher KinG Jr.


LuTher VanDroSS, JagGed EdGe, OmAriOn, Ne~Yo, CaSSie, aL GrEeN, AaLiYah, LlOyd BaNks, MaRy~MaRy, LyFe JeNNinGs, NeW EdiTioN, TrInA,aMeRie, NaTasHa BeDingField, SmOkiE RoBinSOn, T.I.,Jody Breeze, YuNg Joc, ReMy Ma,LiL sCrApPy, Juelz, LiL WaYnW,PreTTy RicKy, n e thing GoSpeL. I liKe aLL kiNds of muSiC!! i jus LOVE muSiC! : D


LoVe & BaSkeTbaLL, WheN HaRRy MeT SaLLy, MeEt tHe BroWns, MaDea gOeS to JaiL, FiNdiNg NeMo, A.T.L, aLadiN :)


WheN i havE time: CSI, ReaL WorLd, AmeRicA's NeXt ToP MoDeL, 106th & Park, tHe NeWs (yes, as boring as it may sound, but i have to keep up w/ what my country is up to, LoL)


The BiBLE, TaMinG oF tHe ShRew, Pride & Prejudice, The GrEat GatsbY, TheRe Eye's WeRe WaTchiNg GoD, aLL i wAnt iS FoReVer, 1984, & Frankenstein!


*My grandma~luv ya soooooo much, miss u, and would give n e thing to get u back!!My daddy, he is everything a daddy should b!! i hope my children have a daddy like i had!!*JesUs~b/c he gaVe hiS lyFe foR u & mE! :D The giFt of GoD= EteRnaL LiFe*CoAch WaTson, b/c he cRacKs me uP, he teLLs it liKe iT is, and doeSnt reaLly caRe wHo kNos or what n e 1 thiNks, LoL!! :D