Hey MySpace, what’s good? Me? Jus graduated from high school, and ready for this challenge. i kno college isnt goin to be easy, but i kno it'll pay off in the end. Although, i love my classmates to death, i'm ready to meet new people, see some new faces, make more friends!! :) Jus 2 let u kno a lil about me, i want 2 keep it kinda simple, b/c i am a simple gurl. I have fun no matter wut i do, i`m kool with goin 2 the club 2 jus chillin @ the house watchin television, talkin on the phone. i even like 2 ball sometime. i like to run, chill w/ my friends and family, get/recieve huggs, and make people smile!! Um, some more of my interest inlude reading, watchin movies, goin to the movies, goin to partys, goin to church, and i LOVE music!! : D Whateva i do, i try to stay REAL! i kno that sounds a lil cliche', but that's jus ME : D i try to live & love everyday, as if it's my last, b/c i've learned in the past, that tomorrow is never promised!! i dont drink or smoke, i dont knock u if u do, i jus choose not to myself, u kno! : D i love bananas and Cheerios!!Some of mu favorite quotes:
“free yourself"
"N e thing don’t kill me, make me better"
"U never miss ur well, till ur waters gone"
"Be careful what you set your heart on, for it will surely be yours"
"Never leave the 1 u love for the one u like because the 1 u like, will leave u for the 1 they Love"
Myspace Layouts
OmaRion, CondaLeeZa RiCe,LyFe JenNiNgS, Morris Chestnut & MarTin LuTher KinG Jr.
LuTher VanDroSS, JagGed EdGe, OmAriOn, Ne~Yo, CaSSie, aL GrEeN, AaLiYah, LlOyd BaNks, MaRy~MaRy, LyFe JeNNinGs, NeW EdiTioN, TrInA,aMeRie, NaTasHa BeDingField, SmOkiE RoBinSOn, T.I.,Jody Breeze, YuNg Joc, ReMy Ma,LiL sCrApPy, Juelz, LiL WaYnW,PreTTy RicKy, n e thing GoSpeL. I liKe aLL kiNds of muSiC!! i jus LOVE muSiC! : D
LoVe & BaSkeTbaLL, WheN HaRRy MeT SaLLy, MeEt tHe BroWns, MaDea gOeS to JaiL, FiNdiNg NeMo, A.T.L, aLadiN :)
WheN i havE time: CSI, ReaL WorLd, AmeRicA's NeXt ToP MoDeL, 106th & Park, tHe NeWs (yes, as boring as it may sound, but i have to keep up w/ what my country is up to, LoL)
The BiBLE, TaMinG oF tHe ShRew, Pride & Prejudice, The GrEat GatsbY, TheRe Eye's WeRe WaTchiNg GoD, aLL i wAnt iS FoReVer, 1984, & Frankenstein!
*My grandma~luv ya soooooo much, miss u, and would give n e thing to get u back!!My daddy, he is everything a daddy should b!! i hope my children have a daddy like i had!!*JesUs~b/c he gaVe hiS lyFe foR u & mE! :D The giFt of GoD= EteRnaL LiFe*CoAch WaTson, b/c he cRacKs me uP, he teLLs it liKe iT is, and doeSnt reaLly caRe wHo kNos or what n e 1 thiNks, LoL!! :D