Frank "Growing Taller" Maraldo profile picture

Frank "Growing Taller" Maraldo

Eli Assrape releases albums over alternative TV.

About Me

Hello. I would like to take the time to tell you a few things about myself in an attempt to give a bit of insight into my personality. I said to myself "Hey, why not?" seeing that this is generally what is expected of one who is on a social networking site. I would like for you to take the time to read it.
I used to think I was one of those people who is defined by their dislikes as opposed to their likes. I think I've about rounded off recently.
Likes(in no purposeful order):
- Pictures of myself
- Dark roast coffee and espresso
- Playing guitar and guitar freakouts (my own or otherwise)
- The Court of the Crimson King (refer to section "Music")
- Compulsive liars (but not compulsive lying)
- Pizza
- Reverb
- Music History
- Science Fiction, hard or soft (my preference is hard)
- Drums, percussion and drum kits
- Chess
- Eating
- Asceticism
- Reading
- Documentaries
- Aestheticism
- Healthy introversion
- Unhealthy extroversion
- Cookies
- Three bean salad
- Female androids (refer to section "I'd Like to Meet")
- Proper use of the semicolon
- Chaos
- Quiet people
- People who talk to me
- Anything to do with violence
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Sean Coleman
- Blatant and obnoxious references to Star Wars that make one appear uncool and gay
- Hitting on friends' girlfriends (known or unbeknownst to them)
- Frippertronics (refer to section "Music")
- Cursing
- Cults
- Op Art
- Surrealism
- Being a celebrity
- Gay people
- When friends' parents think I'm gay
- Photography
- Esoterica
- Pasta of any variety
- Warm weather
- Feeling nostalgic
- Hamming it up with the security guys at the buildings I work at (they all really seem to like me)
- Theories
- Determinism
- Fascism
- School
- Cannibalism
- Brian Dubyk
- Fiscal responsibility
- Black radicalism (or any sort of radicalism)
- Being half asleep and half awake
- More geometrico
- Mindwaves
- Driving my own car
- Being half asleep and half awake while driving
- Talking to people
- Snow
- Cellphone disruptions
- Ugly people
- Democracy
- Pink Floyd (fuck you, I don't care, you shouldn't either)
- People who defend Pink Floyd
- Artificial sweetener
- Microwaves
- Sean Coleman
- Dualities
- Children
- Any form of music that is labeled as "indie"
- Tanning and people who tan
- The sound of a female's speaking voice
- Medieval fantasy
- Star Wars
- Having a poor memory
- Holidays
- Pipsqueaks
- Irony
- The human birth rate
- Inappropriate use of the word "random"
- People with small palates
- Digital media
- Vinyl collectors under 30 years of age
- Minutiae
- Logical fallacies
- Loud people

My Interests

These are a few things that I am currently interested in:
- Buffered vs. True Bypass - Androgynous mind
- Getting paid to sleep

I'd like to meet:

Robot Chicks (refer to section "About Me"). Any or all of these will do:


RACHEL (or IS she??!?!?!)




Sorry V.I.C.I........ORRRRRRRR any female who can personify the characteristics of a cybernetic woman (cyborg or android, I won't be picky).


I own a large amount of music. Instead of the usual list, here are a few things I enjoy in music:
- Dynamic dissonance
- Tasteful consonance
- Complex harmonies
- Loud drums
- Polyrhythms
- Simple rhythms
- Sweet riffs
- Atonality
- Lengthy instrumental sections
- Lengthy songs
- Sparse vocals
- Space (both literally and lyrically)
- Repetition

I am currently listening to Sonic Youth, Smashing Pumpkins, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, and Russian Circles.


I think "films" in concept are a good idea, but in practice, nah nah. I have a few movies and when I say a few I mean a lot, but I never watch them. The irony that I am a film studies major has not eluded me.
These are things I look for in a good movie:
- Sense of mood
- Unsettling and disturbing imagery or situations
- Not being able to understand what is going on
- Aesthetic detail over plot development
- Nonlinear narrative structure

I saw "What is it?" by Crispin Glover. It is good if you like retards, snails and Nazi Shirley Temple. I do happen to like these things whether by consequence or otherwise. I'd have to say Dead Ringers ranks among my favorites (Bonnie and Clyde, Eraserhead, and Taxi Driver get top honors).


Cleveland Cavaliers


Reading "The World As Will and Representation" by Arthur Schopenhauer.
