film, music, my bass, the hitchhickers guide to the galexy, hunter s. thompson, art, Etc.
Someone who isn't plastic.
Frank Zappa, The Mothers of Invention,Radiohead, The (International) Noise Conspiracy, the black keys, james brown, the beatles, jefferson airplane, Lemon Jelly, Rage against the machine, Jimi Hendrix, blur, Gorillaz, the beta band, mars volta, at the drive-in, the blood brothers, the pixies, switched-on, the Bad+, the faint, beck, kings of leon, louix xvi, pink floyd, harvey danger, devo, beastie boys, tora tora torrance, the strokes, etc......
A Clockwork Orange, The Life Aquatic, The Graduatehitch hickers guide to the galaxy, snatch, high fidelity, orange county, memento, etc...
I like cartoons...
The Hitchhikers guide to the galexy, The Resturant at the end of the universe, so long and thanks for all the fish, life the univers and every thing, mostly harmless, all books by Hunter S. Thompson, Lamb: the gosple occording to biff, christs child hood pall, any book by kurt Vonnegut, The phantom toll booth.
Frank Zappa, john lennon, Lenin, Dustin Hoffman, Thom York, Andy Warhol,yves klein, Ralph Steadman, Jimi Hendrix, Etc.