el David owes $1k profile picture

el David owes $1k


About Me

i'm a big procrastinator, i like chick flicks, i curse for no reason but generally a nice guy, i am not a thug, i daydream alot, i sometimes ride around in an R6...itz very seksi...no, i'm not planning to ride anyone around with it cuz dat wont be seksi & cuz i suck...rofl...i think black people and persians are hot as in body-definition, i'm hyper, i like sports, i blog alot, i'm not white-washed, i'm not nigga-wash, i'm ACID-WASH, i'm political, people tend to judge me the wrong way, i hate racists, i hate sexists (dat includes gurlz), i have a latin bootay, i'm a bopper, i'm half chink and half viet, i hate retail, i have man-boobs, i'm annoying, i'm anticipating to goto prof skoo in da coming years (cuz i lub skoo), i am a big music collector, i like shiny things, i hate linkin park, i like fort minor, i lub hiking, i lub da color green, and i'm poor...it makes sense y i lub green...
i believe my main purpose on this earth is to make people around me happy that is my MAIN motive...
to tell u the truth my purpose for myspace is to keep in touch with family, friends, and even long-lost buddies....

My Interests

i am quite musically well-versed...very opinionated politcally...

I'd like to meet:

urmz...i like dem nice and slutty...haha jp! anyone cool as cucumber as well as Michelle Branch, Avril Lavigne, Gwen Stefani, Liv Tyler, Maria Sharapova, Shaq, Beyonce Knowles, Allen Iverson, Alicia Keys, Magic Johnson, Hines Ward, Peyton Manning, and chicks who can rock it out!

myspace is a waste of time...log out!
el David's other sites .

my xanga

my friendster

my songs currently playing

View some of mah HOMIES


soul, rhythm and blues, metal rock, pop rock, punk rock, heavy metal, disco, rap, hip hop, slow jams, alternative rock, oldies: 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, pop, trance, techno, k-pop, j-pop, Chinese melodies, some Viet music, French music, opera, classical, indie music, funk, jazz, acid rock, aria, some country music, rock 'n' roll, blues, folk, acid jazz, new age, gospel & christian (only w/ hot chix), vaudeville, latin music, contemporary...yes a wide selection of taste..thanx to 30k of songs cluttered in mah comp...following playlist is compiled by hieu!


Billy Elliot, Big Fish, Apocalypse Now, Forrest Gump, Amelie, Saving Private Ryan, Band Of Brothers, Eternal Sunshine For the Spotless Mind, Being John Malkovich, Super Size Me, Fahrenheit 9/11, Roger & Me, all Kevin Smith movies, Finding Neverland, Shakespseare In Love, Ocean's 11, Hotel Rwanda, Blue Crush, Donnie Darko, Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter, Notebook, Anchorman, Stepford Wives, Green Dragon, GODFATHER, Scarface, Boyz In Da Hood, Training Day, Coach Carter, Remember The Titans, Ray, Patriot, Year Of The Yao, Lord of War, My Sassy Girl, Rambo, Robocop, Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, City of God, Bourne Identity, Die Hard, Moulin Rouge, Finding Nemo, Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, Kung Fu Hustle, Casanova, Swingers, American History X, Crash, porn, There's Something About Mary, Big Momma, Monsters Inc, Count Of Monte Cristo, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, King Kong (1933 version), Underworld, Constantine, Full Metal Jacket, Pretty In Pink, Crying Game, Over The Hedge, Snakes On A Plane, All the President's Men, Grudge, Saw series, BORAT!


ESPN, Gilmore Girls, Everwood, Simpsons, Tonight's Show w/ Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, Saturday Night Live, MAD TV, Comedy Central, C-SPAN, CNN, Charlie Rose, West Wing, Sopranos, Family Guy, mostly sports....


i read them damn books all the time!


Cookie Monster! Ghostbusters! Ninja Turtles!! Voltron! Magic Johnson!! Wonder Woman!! Allen Iverson! Peyton Manning! Hines Ward! Shaq! Norman Mineta! Mike Honda!

Cal football & cheerleaders of course! Proud to be part of the rowdiest fans in da NCAA


My Blog

my blog

yo peepz! my blog is via xanga
Posted by el David sez FICH MICH on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST