DAVIDIAN was formed in the summer of 1997, bored by the wave of Black, Power, & Nu Metal that seemed to dominate the Metal scene at that time.DAVIDIAN strived to create something more technical and challenging than their cohorts.Influenced by bands like Slayer, Death, Pantera & Megadeth, the end result can best be described as Aggressive Thrash Metal.So what is it that makes DAVIDIAN different to all other Metal Bands?When you listen to a DAVIDIAN song, expect the unexpected! Blast beats and tempo changes, Speed/Death Metal parts that melt into melodic hookline choruses and then before you know it : another tempo change, all this without ever losing the groove.Add to this their unique songwriting talent & lyrical ability to express feelings, thoughts and opinions in an aggressive, critical, provocative and sometimes extreme way.As much as DAVIDIAN enjoy songwriting, they have always seen themselves as a liveband. After numerous concerts with (among others) reknowned bands such as Hatesphere, Illdisposed, Ektomorf, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, God Dethroned, Cataract, Malevolent Creation, Vader, Kataklysm, Naglfar, Carpathian Forest, Born From Pain, Disbelief, Maroon, Machinemade God, Sodom, Unleashed, Tankard, Dew- Scented, and many others, DAVIDIAN advanced to one of the most entertaining live acts in the German underground metal scene.Come to a DAVIDIAN Gig and witness the mighty guitar duels of Micha Weidler & Alex Schniepp, the groovy basslines of Tim Hinderer, Alex Scherfs lunatic drum parts and hear the penetrating growls of frontman Dave Hopkins.DAVIDIAN released their first full leghth Album "Abuse of Power" at the end of 2003, which received rave reviews from the press. DAVIDIAN performed at various Festivals in 2006, including the Kaltenbach Open Air, Zabbaduschder Open Air Hard Taste Open Air and the Metallic Noise Festival.REVIEWS: "Davidian is a German band whose image and fan-platform is growing enormously and not by chance. They have participated in shows and festivals of top quality and are included in the German cult compilation The Reaper comes (IV volume) put out on Heavy Horses Records. I'm glad to say that their show this evening not only confirms all those positive impressions I had reviewing their album, but in fact to reinforces them. The influences from Metallica are very evident, but are definately influences only. As Lamb of God have totally reinvented and recycled Pantera for example, they could really re-invent Metallica. Their vigorous, intensive and tight Thrash shines. Davidian presents a good mobility, while the moments of synchronic headbanging are spectacular considering that these long haired guys absolutely have the famous "physique du roule". Moreover they are energetic, precise, elastic and look professional. Already very trained. Like I presumed from the CD "Abuse of Power", I can happily see that I was right: they are ready for any touring, first of all because they are a band that shows no effort. A band that doesn't get tired. They proceed heavy and lively like the firebox of a steam locomotive pumping fuel in the crowd, pumping up that vitality and strength typical of the Metal Forces. Heads are banging, applause and good vibes are in the air. " "This is NOT any Nu scrap or fucked-up prog, technique shit. Simply nowadays Thrash. Varied songwriting, fucking pro tool handling, masses of bashing parts, breaks and groove. And the whole thing is filled with constant aggressiveness and uncompromising power."--Klasma "Davidian presents a product which is very professional, well organized in every detail and they play and sing in such a good way that they are surely more than ready for any touring. Concerning this aspect , Davidian, German band formed in 1997, deserve 9 points out of 10 or maybe more."--Gryphon Metal..
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