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----DiSTaNCe MeaNS So LiTTLe WHeN You LoVe SoMeoNe So MuCH----
WOO-HOO!! You are Elphaba! You are a feirce Green
Ball of awesomeness! there is nothing you
can't' do...except for taking a bath.
what WICKED character are you?
brought to you by QuizillaBasically I just love to have fun and laugh. All my friends...we're pretty crazy and I love it! I love music and musicals and weird things like that. I guess I could probably be classified as a WDP (weird drama person)....I play piano and guitar and sing and I love it!
Someone who isn't fake
myspace generator
Any Musicals. I LOVE Musicals...they are my PASSION and my DREAM. I'm a BROADWAY BABY and I'm going to be there one day. My favorites include the voices of MiCHaeL CeRVeRiS ♥ MaNoeL FeLiCiaNo ♥ PaTRiCK WiLSoN ♥ and some of my favorite musicals are ♥ SWeeNeY ToDD ♥ ReNT ♥ aVeNue Q ♥ LeS MiSeRaBLeS ♥ HaiRSPRaY ♥ WiCKeD ♥ TaRZaN ♥ FiDDLeR oN THe RooF ♥ WeST SiDe SToRY ♥ SeVeN BRiDeS FoR SeVeN BRoTHeRS ♥ THe PRoDuCeRS ♥ GuYS aND DoLLS ♥ SeuSiCaL ♥ PHaNToM oF THe oPeRa ♥ BeauTY aND THe BeaST ♥ THe LiGHT iN THe PiaZZa ♥ and many, many, many more!
♥ || GReYS aNaToMY || ♥
The Harry Potter books are my favorite ♥ I love Joni Hilton books, those are hilarious ♥ Night by Elie Wiesel is an amazing book ♥ Of Mice and Men is such a winner with a great moral ♥ The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants ♥ Goose Girl is so good even though it has a weird title ♥I'm a nerd, I love to read...I'm always into a good book ♥ So honestly, if you have some suggestions...tell me because i love them!
"Live simply so others can simply live."