sandy profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

some random facts about moi...
i'm sandy. i like pink. i hate cinnamon and the smell of ER. i love having my friends around, they keep me sane. i extract blood from people everyday and i dunno why i even thought of taking this course but i like it anyway (modern day vamps). i think dr. tayao is cute if only he didn't have such a big head but he's cute nonetheless (and married).? i'm graduating on april and i can't wait to pass the board exam! i'm a big hp fan, my life ended when jkr finished the last installment. i love going to booksales with anj. i have poor kitchen skills (probably the only kapampangan who does). i have the coolest mum in this whole freakishly world. i like enzo but he turned out to be a great big dolt (plus he's happy with celine now so let's leave it there). i'm living a supah life and i'm happy being the way i am. my brain's a little wonky today from all those sugar and i can't think of other things to put here so this will have to do for now.?
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

♥ tom felton
♥ jeremy clarkson
♥ mcfly!!!
♥ lea salonga
♥ tyler hoechlin
♥ the beachboys

My Blog

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