Da Real One profile picture

Da Real One

Christ in me is Da REAL One

About Me

I love to read the Word of God, spend time with my family, and course my one and only girl, Angelle Alexandre. I enjoy watching sports and playing drums as a hobby. My life goal is to allow Christ to manifest God's righteousness in me thoroughly.
h e r e . w e . g o
name... Emmanuel
birthday... January 22, 1983
birthplace... Ft. Lauderdale, FL
location... Where Im at
eye color... Brown (Chestnut)
hair color... Black
righty or lefty... righty
zodiac sign.... Does it REALLY matter?!?
f a v o r i t e s
music... Gospel, CC, Rap, R&B, jazz, classical, music in general that sounds good
cartoon.... Looney Tunes, Duck Tales, Chip and Dale (ole school)
color... Purple (color of Jesus' robe), Blues
car... Mitsubishi 3000 GT
magazine... What reads well
tv show... Martin, Deal or no Deal, Lingo, Discovery Channel
song... Running back to you
spice girl... ???
food... Homecooked
drink... fruit juices, punches, and some sodas
subject... Science
w h a t . i s
your most over used phrase... Its all Jesus
first feature you notice on the opposite sex... eyes
best name for a butler... Julius
wussiest sport... Arcade Golf
your best feature... smile
your greatest fear... God
your most missed memory... Grandpoppy
i . p r e f e r
pepsi/coke... neither
mcdonalds/burger king... burger king
adidas/nike nike
cats/dogs... If I had to choose.... cats
rugrats/doug... doug
tupac/jay-z... both when they saved
shania twain/leann rhymes... both when they saved
lipton iced tea/nestea... lipton
one pillow/two... two
chocolate/vanilla.... CHOCOLATE
hot chocolate/hot cocoa... hot chocolate
cappucine/coffee... neither
d o . y o u
shower everyday... twice sometimes
think you've been in love... I know I am
want to go to college... been
want to get married... yes
type correctly... sometimes
believe in yourself... yes
have any tatoos... nope
have any piercings...how many... no
get along with your parents... of course I do
like thunderstorms yes.....gives you a chance to cuddle!!
t h e . f u t u r e
age you want to get married... 25
number and names of kids... (2) Eaja and David
dream wedding... the one with my dream wife on my arm
dream job... one God gives me
country you'd like to visit... Europe (continent I know)
how you want to die... peacefully in God
a b o u t . h i m
best eye color... sexy
best hair color... sexy
short or long hair... long
best height... sexy
best weight... sexy
last time you slept with a teddy bear... a long time ago
rings before you answer the phone... depends on who is calling
whats on your mouse pad... belkin
how many schools have you went to... 6
bedroom carpet color... off white (where I haven't spilled anything)
shave your head for a million dollars... no questions asked... shine it for a quarter too!!
best time of the day... bedtime
a b o u t . y o u r . f r i e n d s I love them
loudest... Jaad/Greg
quietest... Aunt Kamanique
most fun to be with... My family
smartest... L'se
most well behaved... Mommy
most outspoken... Dad
can talk to for hours... Angelle
knows the most secrets about you... God

My Interests

You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service. You are very competative almost to a fault. Perhaps you should let someone else win for a change?





Eyes full of Pain


Diamond Eyes

What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
created with QuizFarm.com

I'd like to meet:

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


Gospel, Contemporary Christian, Jazz, Classical, R&B, Rap, Alternative, anything that sounds good.


Comedies, Suspense, Action, some Dramas, Science Fiction


The Bible


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My Blog


The New Life   This new married life is hard, seemingly complicated, unsually unlike anything you have EVER experienced in life, and kind of demanding.  Demanding only because your new spous...
Posted by Da Real One on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 06:09:00 PST

My Understanding of Angelle....(In awe of Christ in her)

  The Essence of BeautyLOVE   Love     Just like the Good Samaritan     That is unconditional     That will Always protect man&nbs...
Posted by Da Real One on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 08:48:00 PST


You've known it all your life.  All you know is: "Make it happy", "Give it the world", "Forget everyone else concentrate on ME!!!"  You don't mind cuz it deep down that i...
Posted by Da Real One on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 08:30:00 PST

My first impression of Angelle...... (literally)

Characteristics of Beauty   FREE To walk the earth To do what she desires Because her personality does all the work To succeed because her aspirations takes her higher RESPONSIBLE For ever...
Posted by Da Real One on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 03:35:00 PST


IF If you can keep your head, when all about youAre losing thiers and blaming it on you,If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,But make allowances for thier doubting too;If you can wait...
Posted by Da Real One on Tue, 09 May 2006 03:17:00 PST