Jack Summer profile picture

Jack Summer

The Major and the Minor - Out Now !

About Me

I've been Jack Summer for a pretty long time now, and I've been making music even longer.
My first solo record was called "Action" and I recorded it myself, at home when I was seventeen/eighteen. I invented my own label at the time, called "HeartRock Records" to release it under. It did pretty well for a first effort. I got to do some touring and was able to invest in better audio equipment.
I got some small label interest and signed a deal to record and release a second full-length and also a single, which I did. The video for "Tonight Becomes Today" is on this very profile. So I got to tour some more, living in my car for what seemed the better part of a year to promote my second outing "The Major and the Minor". I met a lot of amazing people, did a lot of amazing things, made a lot of good/bad decisions and learned a lot through it all. Which brings me here...
I couldn't tour any more and took a lot of time out late this summer, doing normal things for a change. That didn't last long and I've since started my own fully fledged company, HeartRock Music (see top friends). I've been working on a lot of projects as well as recording for other people, managing a band, writing, booking, it's all good.
I've ended up - music wise with another sound, another albums worth of songs and it's now getting to the time where this soundtrack to the last year of my life is ready to be committed to record. Stay tuned to find out what comes next.
To book me for gigs / house parties / DJ sets or to discuss business opportunities send a message or contact: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
Facebook: Jack Summer
Hitz Radio Acoustic Session in Glasgow (March '08)
Games We Play (Action)
Tonight Becomes Today (The Major and the Minor)
Web | Blog | Video | Shop | Facebook | Last.fm

My Interests


Member Since: 3/17/2006
Band Website: JackSummer.com
Band Members:
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BUY "The Major and the Minor" from End of the Trail Records for £5 -Out Now (worldwide shipping)

Also available from iTunes and all major download sites!

Tonight Becomes Today Promo

Influences: Custom top banner code by Eileen

!!! End Code To Apply Top Banner !!!
Sounds Like: SHOP ONLINE

The Major and the Minor (Out 30/06/08) - ENDLP001

Pre-Order | Details

Tonight Becomes Today (Single) - END004


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It's nice to share, you can help me out by sharing my music with as many people as your time permits. You can add banners anywhere, ((below), Add videos anywhere (soon), tell your friends, tell your local radio stations, tell your local promoters, blog me, add me to your "top friends", leave comments for people to see, come out to shows!, join my mailing list (you'll get free downloads!), request a show in your area, post my music player anywhere (below)


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Type of Label: None

My Blog

Ah thankyou

I just had one of the best nights of my life.To anyone who just saw us play at Newcastle Academy with The Subways ... Thank you so much, you literally made my year. This last week has been insane and ...
Posted by Jack Summer on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 05:31:00 PST

If you DON’ T have a copy of THE MAJOR AND THE MINOR

(My 10 song second album) then why not indulge in ordering a copy from End of the Trail Records? They were nice enough to put it out there so it'd be nice if they could get something out of it. It's o...
Posted by Jack Summer on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 03:57:00 PST

Live Dates / Jury Duty

Well you may have noticed that the live shows I'm playing now look a lot better than they have in the past. I know that they're currently all local but there's plans to tour again later in the year or...
Posted by Jack Summer on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 06:05:00 PST

5 Hours : 49 Minutes Later ..

I've put this evening to use.I also completed two other songs that you can add to the recording list, they are:Sunday SchoolCarried Away (working title)I'm going to go and play with my keyboard now, I...
Posted by Jack Summer on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 02:54:00 PST

Hi, remember me?

I was that kid at school that never spoke to you because you were a dick, I'd still rather we weren't friends on Facebook. Thanks.Well, tonight is my first night that I haven't been working since I go...
Posted by Jack Summer on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 09:17:00 PST

I´m in Spain

So I needed to get away for a while.Had loads going on and I feel much better for getting away.I couldn..t hear a thing when I left and was feeling pretty depressed about it. Yesterday I felt like I.....
Posted by Jack Summer on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 02:37:00 PST

Falling on deaf ears

I've been unable to hear out of my left ear - since Sunday morning and each day it's gradually gotten worse. All that's there is a constant ringing and a sea of white noise. To say I'm terrified would...
Posted by Jack Summer on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 04:25:00 PST


I spent much of our latest tour feeling like I wanted to be at home and the last few days realizing that I didn't really want to go home. Alas, this is life. I arrived home around 4am this morning rem...
Posted by Jack Summer on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 05:57:00 PST

Touring again

So the album launch was on Saturday and as London was cancelled yesterday I played a set to a full house at Magnesia Bank last night. Thanks to everyone who's come out and bought an album. Tonight in ...
Posted by Jack Summer on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 05:09:00 PST

The Major and the Minor - Tracklisting

The Major and the Minor1. London Gateway2. Love Life Lost3. Tonight Becomes Today4. Wide Awake at 4am5. Storms and Scars6. Signed, Sealed,7. Promise for Tomorrow8. Stars that Shine9. Youth10. BrotherI...
Posted by Jack Summer on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 03:08:00 PST