This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? using original artwork by Marah Johnson. Go get one!
Check out my blog: love to love. jason and elizabeth are two of my most favorite people in the world. all my family is extremely important to me. i love to be able to choose what i want and to do it freely. i'm generally a content person. i love the change of seasons. i have a passion for art. i'm cautiously optimistic. i like to think i'm genuine. i lounge in sweats. i enjoy my job. reading is great, but generally puts me to sleep. i'm quite liberal. independence is my greatest strength- and my greatest weakness. i'm ticklish. commitment doesn't scare me. i have three tattoos. girlfriends are indispensible. a twisted sense of humor is part of who i am. karma is real. sleep, although overrated, is quite nice. i appreciate the simple things in life. i spoil daisy, our guinea pig. i'm unique- just like everyone else. i enjoy change. i'd rather stay home and drink wine than go out and party. i like a good conversation. freedom isn't free. i'm an impulse buyer. i'm a terrible teacher. i dream in color. i love to take pictures. i'm a scorpio. i find it hard to work without music. i craft to unwind. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. flowers are pretty. my favorite feature is my smile. i can't manage money. i'm a bit nutty. i love to entertain. i'm enthusiastic about stuff. i've got a lot of nicknames. my brother rocks. i love my HOWie friends. i have a huge stash of post-it notes at my desk.