music,arts, and physical education,, M.A.P.E (for short) interested in:sports like basketball,billiards//music(guitar & piano)// hmmmm...
someone who is into me!!! duuuhhh!!!!
r n' b,reggae,jazz and pop rock or pop or rock even rock pop..hehe acoustic //American idol//
any kind of movies.. just need someone to watch it with me,atleast... is it a date or what?! LOL
summerland,7th heaven,jake in progress,sex and the city,70's show, gilmore girls,prison break(d'best) ,heroes, lost... etc
haawrryy pwottah(harry potter) vols. 1,2,3...CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL....Kama Sutra(i never read it though)
my mom period