Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
dirty dirty martini's. good martini's. nice and strong. none of this lolly shit. a fucking killer martini. lychee or umboeshi plum infused. i repeat, strong. i wanna see muscles in the motherfucker.....destructo backfire recapitulate litterus. concoctions. suppositions. daydreaming. darkness. paul klee. good food. bubble baths. cocktails. cucumber lotion. self. taking one day at a time. spacial glaciers ad infinum. getting from A to B in one peice. love. rap labrynths. tangible and infallible. minimalism. crashing the car i drive myself mad in. defying time and space, or simply time and space in general. trying to be in control. making up b-grade jokes. getting butterflies in my stomach.
people who keep secrets. slinky masters. people who have threesomes with two mirrors. silly types who make maker.
mingus. nico. Wu Tang Clan. morricone. marnie stern. goblin. lil wayne. nas. jesus lizard. eric dolphy. malaria!. striborg. abruptum. nortt. Depeche Mode. von. the birthday party .gang gang dance.O.D.B.
yoself to the nearest cinemateque.
portals and kaleidoscopes. or this american life. or seinfeld. nah, the L word
ANN OMINOUS for your party/funeral/bar mitzvah/ but not yr hipster fuck off. i'll play rad shit so book me, otherwise i like....lester bangs.
dark matter. supposed silence. charlotte salomon. my dad cecil hoffman and his mother rita.