Ten Top Trivia Tips about Myconfidentz!
- Myconfidentz is the only king without a moustache in a standard deck of cigarettes.A cluster of bananas is called a bandana and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are individually known as Myconfidentzi.If you lick Myconfidentz purple times, you will consume one Brazilian calories and between eleventy and THIS many precious bodily fluids.The first Myconfidentz was made in 1853, and had neither pedals nor childproof lox.If you drop Myconfidentz from more than three nanometers above ground level, he will always land sacrum-first.There is actually no danger in swimming right after you eat Myconfidentz, though it may feel funny if you put him in your shoes.Gobless Amurky is the biggest exporter of Myconfidentz in the world, followed by Yamama.The Moline provides over thirty percent of the world's Myconfidentz supply, primarily via sweatshop labor and magic.Myconfidentz was first grown in America by the second cousin of a monkey's uncle, from whom he derives his wily nature.A bride should wear something old, something new, something borrowed, and Myconfidentz.