*Mr. BroNc* FREE T-EAZE profile picture


OccuPaTiOn: Sk8bOaRD.. alWaYS oN Tha GriNd

About Me

FiRst & fOReMoSt, '07 tHa FrRucK uP. SeConDlY, bRoMlEy & TReNtoN sTaNd tHa FuCk uP! iF iT WaSnt fOR yA'Ll, i WoulDNt bE wHo i Am tODaY. yA dIGg!? a YoUNg SuCCess StoRy iN iTs OwN RiTe. dEStiNed tO bECoMe eVeN MoRe sUccESSfUl. fOR tHoSe oF yA'Ll WhO kNoW tHa GoD, YoU kNow hOw i Do. & fOR tHoSe oF yA'Ll WhO dONt... wElL yOu'Ll JuSt hAVe tO FiNd OuT. bUt i WilL lEt yA'lL kNow a FeW tHaNgs. iM nOt Ya aVeRaGe dUDe. i AiNt WiD alL tHaT GaNg TiP. nOt My sTylE. i GoT PpLs tHaT Do iT. You ReSpEct My gRiNd i ReSpeCT YoUrs. i dONt lIKe iGnoRaNt pPl sO kEEp ThaT bUlLShiT aWaY fRoM Me. i Am iNdEEd oNe fLy GuY. i StAy fUNky, fReSh dReSSed tO iMPreSs rEaDy tO PaRty wHeRe eVer i Go. iM sO FrEsh i MaKe sOaP JeaLoUs. yOu KnoW hOw QwiL dO. o YeA, tHaTs WhaT tHey CalL Me. Q-dUb-i-L! {dOeSNt MeaN aNytHiNg}. i Am tHa oNe & OnLy. w/E oTHa dUDe CalL hISsElF QwiL, iS NoT tHa ReAl QwiL. bEliEve Me. iM aLSo kNoWn As Mr. AbeRCroMbiE. & EvEn tHoUgh iM oNe oF ThA fLyESt dUDes yOu'Ll EveR MeeT, dONt lEt tHa pRetti bOi lOOk FooL YoU. i FiGht fOR MiNe. dISrEspECtfUl N!ggAz GeT lAiD oUt. aSk hEaDs AbOut Me. iM 5'7, i CoNSidEr ThaT aVeRaGe. sOMe cONsiDeR iT sHoRt. i ReAllY dONt CaRe. iM oN Tha hUNt fOR tHa ONe. iM NoT tHa So cAllEd "PiMp tYPe." CoUlD bE bUt dONt SeE tHa GaiN iN iT. i dONt hAVe tIMe fOR Tha KiDDie gAMes oR hIGh sKoO bULlShiT. i NeeD a LaDy i Can tReaT lIKe a WoMan. & iF yOu DoNt GeT tHaT, yOu ObVioUSlY aiNt ThA oNe. yA DiGg!? StEp fORwaRd iF yOu FeeL lIKe yOu CaN bE hER tHouGh. tRyNa GeT oN mY hOMie RaHjaUN lEVel. CollEGe aRoUNd tHa CoRneR, YoU kNOw iM SykED. RiDer uNiVeRSiTy, iM hERe bABy. i WiLl bE aTTeNdiNg fOR a bUSiNeSs dEGrEe wItH a cONceNtRaTiOn iN EntRepREnuEriAl sTuDiEs. GoTTa mAKe MoMs sMiLe wHiLe MaKinG tHa bUCks aT ThA SaMe tIMe. & aFteR CollEGe, iTs EiTheR MiaMi oR LA... hAVeNt dECiDed. iM TrYNa oWn mY OwN bUSinEsS OnE dAY. yBf fOR lIFe. '07 wE MaDe iT. 1lOVe........................

My Interests

iTs Me B!tCheS...My iNteReSt iNCluDe: fEMalEs uHh... FeMalEs & oH YeS, oF CouRSe... FEMALES

I'd like to meet:


fIRst Off----iF iT AiNt Lil' WaYNe, It SiMplY iS nOt PoPPiN'... bECauSe wE aLl kNo tHaT yOuNg wEEzY iS tHa iLLeSt oUt RiTe nOw. SoMe oF mY oTheR FaVs iNCluDe TraViS baRkER, BoYs liKe GiRls, RihANna, cASsiDy, & jAdaKiSs. i LoVe... r&B rOCk {nOt HeaVy MetAl} HiP hOp PoP


yA'Ll MaKin' a MaN bReAk oUt tHa DVD CoLLeCtiOn hUh? --- aNy GaNGstA/MaFiA, cOMeDy, rOMaNce/dRaMa, oR sCaRy fLiCKs... {pReTTy mUCh EvEryThiNg}mENacE II SoCiEty... ScaRfACe... HaRdbAlL... sCReAm i... ScReAM ii... cARliTo's wAy... GooDfeLLas... wHiTe ChIcKs... a BrONx tAlE... St. VaLEnTiNeS dAy MaSSacRe... sTaTe PrOPeRty i... StAtE pROpErtY ii... MoBstErs... ChilDs PlAy I... cHIldS plAy II... JuiCE... GoDfAtHEr I... GoDfAtHeR II... gOdFaThEr iii... bLUe HiLl AvENue... HoT BoYz... PaY iT fORwARd... BaBy BoY... FoUR bROtHeRs... sOUtH CeNtRal... bOyz N dA hOOd... PaPer sOlDiERs... SaW II... WAiSt dEEp... eTc... & My alL tIMe FavORiTe jOiNt... StoMp tHa yARd & SeT iT oFF & Of CoUrSe aNytHiNg tYlER PeRRy...I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


nOt a BiG fAN oF tV: BET... mINd Of MeNCia... dAVe ChaPPelLe... WaYAnS BrOs... tHa bOOnDoCks.................................

My Blog


"The I of the Storm" I am so confused I don't know how to feel about anything anymore I used to think I was the man A king without the crown & septor I used to know I'd be the greatest man alive I...
Posted by *Mr. BroNc* FREE T-EAZE on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 08:41:00 PST

Class of '07

"Class of '07" What do you do, when you finally realize You've just met the friends you've known your entire lives Through all the years of them by your side You must stand alone this one fateful nigh...
Posted by *Mr. BroNc* FREE T-EAZE on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 01:19:00 PST

Introduction to Poetry {by Billy Collins}

Introduction to Poetry I ask them to take a poem and hold it up to the light like a color slide or press an ear against its hive. I say drop a mouse into a poem and watch him probe his way out, or wal...
Posted by *Mr. BroNc* FREE T-EAZE on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 12:10:00 PST

But You

"But You" She walked into my life, however, at the time I claimed another She came to me through a friend, who turned out to be a Benedict Her cheeks stained from overflowing tears, like the bank of a...
Posted by *Mr. BroNc* FREE T-EAZE on Thu, 24 May 2007 12:47:00 PST


"HEART V. BRAIN" It's hard to decide between the heart and the brain One's natural reaction is to follow the heart But can our hearts lead us down a path of destruction? We always trust the untru...
Posted by *Mr. BroNc* FREE T-EAZE on Mon, 28 May 2007 11:57:00 PST

Thoughts of a Lonely Man

THOUGHTS OF A LONELY MAN As each day completes its full course, I feel you slipping Out of my loving arms and back into his grubby paws I'm filled with so many emotions as I witness this Anger! For yo...
Posted by *Mr. BroNc* FREE T-EAZE on Sat, 26 May 2007 09:46:00 PST

The Lucifer in Me

"The Lucifer in Me" America the not-so-beautiful has shown me this A black man in this country can simply not exist I'm the rebel America can't handle, the poet everyone loves The thinker everyone wa...
Posted by *Mr. BroNc* FREE T-EAZE on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 12:36:00 PST

I Have a Nightmare

"I Have a Nightmare" I had a nightmare one night, as I lay in my sheets A nightmare so gruesome, I began to weep At the thought of my people, my brothers and sisters Forgetting their past, the Misses...
Posted by *Mr. BroNc* FREE T-EAZE on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 11:30:00 PST

Unloved Hearts

"Unloved Hearts" We've know each other quite some time; it's too bad I never knew How my life would change throughout the time I had been with you Two souls teased by love; but imprisoned in Cupid's c...
Posted by *Mr. BroNc* FREE T-EAZE on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 10:19:00 PST

<<<<<<<<<The Final Letter>>>>>>>>>

"The Final Letter"  Hey Eloise Pearson... I mean Grandma "How ya doin' in school Danny Jr.?" Those were always the first workds out of your mouth when you saw us kids Sometimes I think you c...
Posted by *Mr. BroNc* FREE T-EAZE on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 01:47:00 PST