I LOVE politics. I am also a huge Disney fan. My goal in life is to raise the most well adjusted kids on the planet.
I enjoy sociology so I get quite in crowds and just kind of watch the ebb and flow of people's lives.
I like 311 and I don't smoke pot... strange isn't it? I really like island music both reggae and calypso.
are too expensive
I like star wars, and most romantic comedies and ANYTHING put out by Disney ... (Except 4 Cars, that was crap)
Ghostbusters, Tron (and I admit it), Rocky Horror, Kevin Smith, Lord -o- Rings, George Lucas, Gene Roddenberry
is also expensive, i'd cancel it but Gabe would kill me
Simpson's, Family Guy, Conan & Any stupid show about Big Foot, Loch Ness, UFO's and El Chubocabra.
Star Trek, Avatar & House M.D.
have spines, most of you don't. I like books about science. I like messing with space/time
Ian Curtis
, Walt Disney
, and Phil Hartman