Just some simple things..
LOVIN.. the day September 24, first came to grace the world with my beauty!
.. JUST KIDDING! gees.
Family.. highly regarded. so watch it, bitch.
God. Faith is everything.
REPPIN.. the bay.
always SMILIN.. easily.
Music. and that's all i gotta say.
reading is my obsession.
Graduated from Vallejo high, CLASS of 'O8!
R.I.P. Marshall Tobin
i LOVE these guys. xD
"I searched among the card displays,
To see if I could find,
A little something that would say
Just what was on my mind.
However there was not a one,
That captured it just right,
For no one else can understand
Just what I'd like to write.
I even find it difficult
To try to write it down,
For how do I portray to you,
The love that I have known?
I close my eyes and what I see,
Is someone I adore;
A person who is beautiful,
Right down into their soul.
Mere words cannot describe
The many qualities you show,
The love and caring nature that
You share with those who know.
Your kind and gentle temperament,
Your sweet angelic smile,
Your softly spoken sentiments,
That reach across the miles.
Your smile and laugh that sparkle with
The softness of your sighs,
The way your face lights up a room ...
That twinkle in your eye.
The loving gestures through the years,
That quickly come to mind,
For always you've a gentle word
To calm and soothe I find.
I struggle and I search to try
To find some words anew ...
And yet I cannot capture
All the things that make you you."
Veronica my "stalker" lol jk it was so weird how we met but we ended up best friends. So smart and tranquil, veronica leaves a non-forgetful first impression and she is so down to earth and realistic. All the times we all went out to lunch or just hanged out was an adventure on its own. But that is not all! she's the meaning of humor as well so many memorable moments , and now she moved makes me sad :( , I wish I was back in high school to spend more time with her , I remember at my graduation her playing in the band , is my fondest memory of her , thank you for being there , for being an amazing friend .
7.35 p.m.
Veronica .. a.k.a. Tita Rowna . Only MINEs Though ! YES, w// the ....s.... . One of The Reasons You SHould HELLA LOVE her is Cas.. She..ll Tell You The Truth, Whole Truth, & Nothing But The Truth . But, in The End .. You..ll Thank Her Later . She..s Pretty Loud . i..d Say She..s Smart . She Loves Her Family, & Sticks Up For Her Friends . Kn You Say FLIRT ?! i KN . She Flirts w//o Being Concious of it But, Hey, Wht Girl Doesn..t Do Tht ? She Likes To Dance .. DAMN FREAK !!!!!!! L0l . Her eyes are Hekka Kool ! i Want Kool Eyes ! B0O !!!!!!!! >..8 She Sings Too ! You Kn Catch Her LIVE Everytnight in The Shower !!!! She has Moodswings ! i.e.:: One Minute She..s Conceited & The Next She..s Calling Herself FAT ! WTH ?! But i Think Every Girl Does Tht Too . She..s a Kool Friend . Just Don..t Get on Her Bad Side ! Lalalala .. T.B.C.
Dang..Like attacked me to write this thing again..How does she expect me to write when she hit's me in the head all the time...Psht...Failure to humane society...She's right next to me all being mean and shit..Still expecting to write..Well you know what I'm not WRITING ANYTHING!!! J/k....And you CLAIM you're gonna delete this...And just remember if you do..I'm not writing it again....
Ok..About her...Well she's a sister to me (That's why she's so mean to me) Heh...j/k well...She's nice, caring, listens to you closely and never pretends to listen(at least I don't think so) And if she does she's VERY good at it...She's has a nice personality and a great friend (I swear she made me write that she said she will kill me if I didn't)..Heh..J/k..Just being mean like she does to me...Joking again....Heh..Well I guess that's all...All in all she's a good friend and everyone should meet her... RICKEY
Veronica is a really nice person, Once you get to know her you will like her, She easy to get along with, She got a nice smile, Preety eyes, And specially she got a great personality, But most of the time she is sad, But there is a lot of things for her to be glad, For me she is like a breeze of wind because sometimes she touches me with her smile, and sometimes she doens't when she is sad, But mostly she makes me happy when I see her smiling, She will take away your sadness. She is one of my most trusted friends, There is nothing more I can tell about her, she is perfect, so yeah Stellar take care, when you need help just call me aight!!!!!
Veronic's is the ko0Lest tita ever!! she's caring, loving, smart, FUNNiiE, Ko0L, and everything that's nice because she's nice like that. Wenever you need a shoulder, she's there.. if you need an ear she's there. she's so nice, she's SUPER!! When ever i see her she makes me SMiLE kuz as you knoe she's ko0l like that. once she made me laugh so hard that i literally laughed all day.. then the next day i was like laughing all over again. So FUNNiiE ^_^ . This gurl you kan just kiCK it with and chill all day with. THIS GURL IS KO0L!!
veronica?....only met her this year but yea shes a good friend, koo to hang out with, funny, selfless, understanding(depends on what it is tho), NICE...(cough cough) even tho shes mean to me > .<.... naw J/P haha hmm i dont kno wat else to say... easy to get along with, shes pretty koo once you get to kno her ^_^
..Hmm, Veronica is CooL!!! thats about all i needa say. BUT i will say more! well lets see she is nice, expecially at sharing food with me. She is fun to talk to on the phone till super late, or .. till even later. Lets see if u dont know her, call her up and then hang out with her, get to know her, she could be a good friend for life. She is just that kind of person. anyways this girl is just always there for me and everything, she is good to talk to, and she isnt very shy, so u can get to know her fast. Thats All i got to say, i think i made my point!
..Oh man it's VERNONONONICAAAA.. Man Veronica is so freakin awesome. We meet in hmm.. 6th grade?? She was the person I talked to about everything I swear. At pratice we would get in trouble for talking... Or more like I would getyelled at by Mister, because he only heard me. Lol. She is such a good person. I don't know what else to say. Love ya dear!!
.. hmm. what to say about Veronica!!she cooooL! I've known her sense I was in like sixth grade!! she a nice person!umm..she my freind!! all you people that dont know this girl need to get to know her! she's so cool! you'll wanna be her freind when you meet her! Veronica's TiiiGHT!KaCee
hahaha Oh man. This thing is like hecka late! Like… a year late? Better late than never right? And… haha sorry. I hacked into your account. for a good cause though so no hunting down Roanne! lol Okay… lemme start. Veronica. She’s Veronica. lol Let’s see… I got this all down earlier… okay, okay. Veronica is a great person. A great friend, a great person. I met her years ago and though it wasn’t that long ago, we became pretty close. I mean, I think it was a weird happening considering that she’s so well-known and outgoing while I’m more of the reserved type. But hey! It worked out! And look where our friendship is! Veronica is really friendly and nice! Though she might not know you, she’ll talk to you anyway! She’s very random! One topic to another in just seconds. A record right there. lol She’s not shy and she’s pretty much open about her thoughts and feelings. Of course, to a certain extent. Veronica can be reserved too, if she wants. That’s what’s great about Veronica. She’s her own boss and she doesn’t care what people say. That’s something I admire about her because Isimple thing like that. Veronica is also always there for you. Whenever you need someone to talk to, Veronica’s there. She’ll help you out. Veronica is just someone who’s easy to get along with. I dunno. I think it’s because of her personality. You can’t just describe her as one person. Diverse, I think is the word. Diverse personality? Yeah, you get it. lol Anyway… what else? I have more to say but I’ll update this later. Guess it’s not one of those days where I can type all my thoughts down. I’m never good with words. All I know is Veronica is a great person and I’m glad to have met her!! Veronica, we better not lose contact! Or else I’ll hunt you down! lol Kidding. Oh, I remember something else! Veronica reads a whole lot! That’s not an insult, ‘kay? I think it’s cool! Me and Jayce had a conversation about it in Ms. Fri’s 5th period English. lol Remember that day Veronica?
day? Ten??
Jayce: Noooooo. She reads as much books that stacks up as tall as you!
Roanne: hahaha Umm… that’s not very tall you know.
Jayce: Yeah. You’re right. I was about to say that too.
Roanne: Maybe taller than me.
Jayce: Yeah!
hahaha Gosh, memories. Well, I’ll update this soon, I guess. Don’t worry; it won’t take me a year. lol Love you Veronica! Thank you for everything!