Maelstrom Productions profile picture

Maelstrom Productions

About Me

Maelstrom Productions MP's Official Website

Upcoming Projects:
Strange Aeons NOW ON DVD from Lurker Films!!!
Some reviews of Strange Aeons have started to surface.
..a full scale assault on your senses. That leaves you guessing down to the last second where the evil is lurking.. Strange Aeons could quickly become a cult classic.
Review by Heather Burke
..On a movie-watching scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), I give STRANGE AEONS a 6.5.. On a Lovecraft-related scale, I give it a 7..
Frank Hummel Reviews
..The premiere of Strange Aeons was next for me, and it was an incredibly polished production. The cast, headed by J. D. Lloyd as Dan Upton and Erick J. Robertson as Edward Derby, was solid, the writing efficient and the direction competently handled...
Derek Koch: Geek in the City
..Strange Aeons boosts some nice visuals, impressive special effects, an affecting musical score..a strong cast of supporting actors, most notably Peter Anthony Holden as the evil sorcerer and Jerry Lloyd as a less bad sorcerer who explains it all to Miskatonic University professor Dr. Dan Upton (J.D. Lloyd)..
Thomas M. Sipos Hollywood Investigator
Where Strange Aeons stands on its own is the commitment that it took to make. The care, the time, the undeniable interest to create a truly entertaining and worth while film. ..Strange Aeons gains a suitable place in the realms of those various adaptations to Lovecraft that have achieved credibility (the HPLHS production of The Call of Cthulhu, Bryan Moore..s Cool Air, Dan O..Bannon..s The Resurrected).
Woodruff Laputka The Eldritch Gazette
Strange Aeons is now an award winning movie!! The annual ..Tabloid Witch Awards were recently announced and we had two winners.

check out the site here Awards

The first winner is Jerry Lloyd for Best Supporting actor!
The second is an Honorable Mention for Eric Morgret as Director!
Strange Aeons can be found at Netflix, Amazon, and around the net.
"We, men of no flag, hereby design to sail under no flag together. Let it be the flag of blood: Desperate men in search of desperate fortune..." - Errol Flynn, Captain BloodMaelstrom Productions was founded in the '90's by director Eric Morgret and writer K.L. Young. Both had been pursuing dreams of filmmaking separately but found an instant connection when they met during the production of a Nightshade video. Together they came up with the idea of a film company that would more resemble a family-owned business where they could work with like-minded individuals that they actually enjoyed being around, and where everyone owned a piece of the pie and would share in the profits.The dream was there, but the funds were not. Like most independent filmmakers, they toiled at short films that were never completed or feature films that were not realistic options. Unlike most independent filmmakers however, they were able to secure the odd commercial or business video, which allowed them to purchase their own equipment and begin to realize the dream.Several short films followed, and finally it happened - someone just crazy enough to believe in these two crazy guys. A whirlwind of contracts, lawyers and an LLC later, this little company has finished its first feature length film, is hitting the festival cicuit, and is busy planning for future projects. Desperate men in search of desperate fortune? You bet.
A series of behind-the-scenes photos from "Strange Aeons", with music from HydraFX.
Videos by vMix Member: Maelstrom
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Independent Film Folks cast crew everyone
Lovecraft Fans
Horror movie fans
Movie fans
Good and Evil folks

Maelstrom is going to start rotating the top eight. We want to give some love to the people that have populated our world of movies and Lovecraft. If you see yourself off the top eight, fear not we still think you belong there and you will return in the future.

My Blog

See the Shunned House trailer

This will be a great Halloween event. Eric Morgret will be co-MC'ing, with Steve Lange. Join us for this event for fun and craziness.SLASHACRE! ...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:13:00 GMT

Crypticon Schedule

Schedule of Events - Friday May 23, 2008 Registration:VIPs registration begins at 4PM / Pre-sell tickets and general public check in at 5PM. Exhibit and Vendor Hall opens at 5PM for VIPs and 6PM for t...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 13:54:00 GMT

It’s out it’s out

great news you can get Strange Aeons on DVD now! buy it here
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:39:00 GMT

New ad in Rue Morgue

Check out the full page add for the Strange Aeons DVD!!It's in the Jan/Feb issue of Rue Morgue. It's got Johnny Depp on the cover. He should do our next movie...Rue Morgue
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 15:11:00 GMT

Send your movies to a crazy new film festival !

 Eric director of Strange Aeons has started a film festival with the help of SA's writer K.L. Young and filmmaker Rick Tillman. We want to show new and fascinating works.    The festiv...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 08:38:00 GMT

DVD cover

Damn Lurker Films has done a great job putting together the cover for "Strange Aeons" DVD. Andrew really puts a lot of care into his DVD's. I am very excited to have him putting this all together. Th...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 13:53:00 GMT

Expanding the range of the Maelstrom world

It is time for fun new endeavors. As we wait for financing to come through for our next feature we thought we would have some fun. A Podcast and a Film FestivalThe podcast will be about horror, sci-fi...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 14:12:00 GMT

Expanding the range of the Maelstrom world

It is time for fun new endeavors. As we wait for financing to come through for our next feature we thought we would have some fun. A Podcast and a Film FestivalThe podcast will be about horror, sci-fi...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 14:15:00 GMT

Expanding the range of the Maelstrom world

It is time for fun new endeavors. As we wait for financing to come through for our next feature we thought we would have some fun. A Podcast and a Film FestivalThe podcast will be about horror, sci-fi...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 14:15:00 GMT

Check out this event: Free live script reading: Maelstrom Productions

Hosted By: Eric MorgretWhen: Thursday Jul 12, 2007 at 7:00 PMWhere: Northwest Film Forum1515 12th AveSeattle, WA 98122United StatesDescription:Eric Morgret Click Here To View Event
Posted by on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 12:00:00 GMT