Acherontia Lachesis profile picture

Acherontia Lachesis


About Me

In my world 1+1=1,
and 0 is more useful
than what its numerical value implies.

Everything is a puzzle I am not equipped to solve.
The colors of my moods are heavily influenced
by the bands I seek to hear.
And sometimes certain little numbers follow me around.

As for life, I've come to learn,
that minimizing resistance towards the places it wants you to go
will take you further than you ever wanted to take yourself.

My name is Luis.
I have many passions.
Simplicity at its best.

My Interests

Music, Cooking, Computers, Writing, School

I'd like to meet:

Everyone around you superstar.


...a lot


haha I made this back in high school.


"You see, reasons require scales to weigh them. And scales are not made of cotton. And cotton is what the human spirit is made of-you know, the stuff that keeps no shape and offers no resistance and can be twisted forward and backward and into a pretzel. You could tell them why they should hire you so very much better than I could. But they wont listen to you and they'll listen to me. Because I'm the middleman. The shortest distance between two points is not a straight line-it's a middleman. And the more middlemen, the shorter. Such is the psychology of a pretzel." -The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand


A hero saves, influences, and helps one become a better person. There are only a handful of people who have and still do that. They know who they are.
One of them is this guy

My Blog

"First Principles"

"Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself, in it's own constitution? What is it's casual nature?...     What does he do, the man you want?" "He kills-"     "....
Posted by Acherontia Lachesis on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:50:00 PST