In high school i was the demon magnet. After attempting suicide in the clock tower, my parents sent me to get some therapy. In the sessions i got an augmentation spell that helped me create the perfect Sunnydale. in my eyes. It also created a really nasty demon. Then i disappeared for a while after that, but showed up later as part of the Troika along with Warren and Andrew. The group's goal was to take over Sunnydale., but the other two's methods of doing things seem to bother me. especially when Warren killed his ex-girlfriend and blamed it on Buffy. Everything blew up in their faces when they tried to rob an armored truck, warren set us up to take the fall. When Willow submerged herself into the dark arts Anya broke us out of jail and the gang tried to protect us from Willow. When no one was looking, me and Andrew fled to Mexico. A year later we returned to Sunnydale to find the Hellmouth, and get the forgiveness of the slayer. In reality Andrew was bringing me there on behest of "Warren's Ghost." I was stabbed to death by Andrew and was buried by Principal Wood. Now im back from the otherside as a drifterl and anyone who remains from sunnydale probably hates me now i guess so it's best i avoid them :shrug:
My Interests
beethoven, john tesh, anything classical :shrug:
playboy, playgirl, popular mechanics
bill gates, captain spock, captain kirk, darth vader