lisning to music going on the computer ch@in on msn and going on youtube also just avein a laf an watchin films an hangin out wiv m8s makein vids, takein photos all sorts
people who understand me
adopt your own virtual pet!
HIM, nirvana, evanecenc, blondie, good charlot, MCR,super chick, fly leaf, shara mccladen, and random songe (minde my spelling im not a good speller)
i love all sorts like scream 1, 2 and 3 scarey movie 1 2 ,3 and 4,blear wich project 1 and 2 , vilige of the dambed, saw 1, 2 ,3 and want to C 4, disney films, amavil horror, stay alive, 28 days, comedy films, drama, true films almost ay except pirate of carrabian and lord of the rings lol
hero's, sugar rush, friends, hollyokes, spunge bob, films bits and bobs realy and some docuamentrys
i dont read that many books mainlt random books or ones about wiccan lol or stories about ppls lives and books i can relate to
not realy thourt about that lol