Eating and Drinking,Kareoke, sometimes shopping, but mostly eating and drinking, exercising, dancing,Reading,Sleeping and Taking pictures!
Karyn Parsons "Hillary"from Fresh Prince ( because people say I talk like her), Angelina Jolie,Oprah, Shia Labeouf (love him), Chris Brown...Hehe!
"People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered-Forgive them anyway ~~~If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, alterior motives-Be kind anyway ~~~If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies-Succeed anyway ~~~If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you-Be honest and frank anyway ~~~What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight-Build anyway ~~~If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous-Be happy anyway ~~~The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow-Do good anyway ~~~Give the world the best you have & it may never be enough-Give the world the best you've got anyway
You see, in the end, it is between you and God -It
was never between you and them anyway!
Michael Jackson Is my FAVORITE entertainer of all time...and will always be....Black and or white!!!
I think you can tell by my choices here...I'm not really into the current stuff!!! I love 70's and 80's music!!!But I love all kinds of music...YES, Even Country!!!Some of my faves are: Abba, Tina Turner, Ana Gabriel, Elvis Crespo, Dimond Rio, Chicago.
Into the Wild, Closer, City of God, The constant Gardener, Beyond Borders, Apocalypto, Evan Almighty, Hot Fuzz, No Retreat No Surrender II, The last King of Scotland, and of course;The Notebook!!!
I love Lucy, Girlfriends, Prison Break, Oprah, King of queens,The Game, Carter can, Chelsea Lately(she cracks me up), Devine Design, House Hunters, Surgery stuff,Green Acres, petticoat junction ( all the classic shows on TV Land)...Anything on VH1,MTV,HGTV,E!
To sir With Love, The secret, Women and Money.Whatever Oprah tells me to read......I read!!!
My mommy!!