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Increase the panic

About Me

"When i've know that i've done all I can do, then this fear of regret will subside. When i'm through all that I put my mind to, i've arrived" - Kate Rogers, St Eustacia
This is a recently updated version, so if you miss the old one, tough shit. I'm Mark, recently turned a depressing 24 years old and do what I do in Oxford... Currently working in a sports centre (when I want, but when I can) doing a pretty wide range of jobs. I'm either running the place, taking people's cash, or saving lives. Planning to get myself sorted out so that I can teach them how to lose weight while i'm at it. Unless I get another similarly heroic job fighting crime or something... If anyone wants to give me some money feel free, its going to be a tight Chrimbo with my car insurance, tax, MoT, service all coming up, as well as getting presents for the nearest and dearest... I tend to spend my spare time playing football or going to the gym, which i'm currently doing in the attempt to get buff, strong, and look better in the nude. I think its working. I also spend a lot of my time watching films, because i'm a film geek, I even wear glasses, surely the pure definition of a geek... I HATE Chris Moyles, animal rights activists, and cling-film that doesn't cling. I LOVE snow, picking my nose, Oxford United, and Guinness... The only think left to add is that I play for the one and only Minty Badgers of Union Street FC who currently reside in the RT Harris Oxford FA football league. I want to play up front but I seem to get stuck wide right/right back/left wing/central midfield... oh well... Karma owes me something
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My Interests

Football for a start, I dont get to many games at the moment because I play on Saturday's now... i'm an integral link in the team!!! That team being the mighty UNION STREET FC. I like feeding ducks and other wildfowl. I like MOVIES! Far too much fo my own good. I love going to the gym, apart from CV, which I hate... ho-hum...

I'd like to meet:

Mohammed Ali, Bruce Forsyth, TONY JAA, Kate Rogers, Takeshi Kitano, Mr T, the gorgeous Kat Von D, Harry Hill, Stuart Browne, the good doctor Mark Kermode, Bill Murray, Bob Tyrrell, Dave Langan, Nitin Sawhney, Matt Harding, Nakano Masayuki and Kawashima Michiyuki aka Boom Boom Satallites, Bruce Springsteen, Danny Wallace, Rich Hall, Dave Mirra, The Rock, the Scary Man, Brian Singer, Zane Low and last but not least Katsuhiro Otomo. People I can cross off the list now include Jim Smith, Nick Merry, Vinny Jone, Rob Van Dam... and to a much lesser extent, The Miz, who you may remember from MTV's Real World, currently working as a professional wrestler! AWESOME! I would also like to meet the kid in the video below. Anybody with that much dedication to one subject has to be respected!


The first record I remember hearing on the radio was "We Didn't Start The Fire" by Billy Joel (I think) and its great... the first album I bought was "BAD" by Michael Jackson, back when he was still good and hadn't started fiddling with children... Then I got into Guns and Roses and the Chilli Peppers, who I still like... After that I went through a hip hop stage, but that was back when it was good and Nas, Jay-Z, Biggie etc were still doing a god job of it. Now its shit, fucking shit, apart from the odd little track. Guru and Lupe Fiasco are trying their hardest to convince me its not all shit. Right now my favourite band in the world is probably Death Cab For Cutie, but thats liable to change, although I never restract myself to one band or even one genre, so here is a list of bands and artists I rate. The ones in CAPS are special!!!... BOOM BOOM SATELLITES, KSXi, Vena Cava, Bombshoe, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, Motorhead, Audioslave, Amos Lee, Norah Jones, Beastie Boys, Coldplay, Johnny Cash, DAMIEN RICE, Rose Royce, John Lennon, John Legend (any other Johns???) Kate Rogers, Soundgarden (thats the second Chris Cornell band i've listed!), Phil Collins, Massive Attack, WRECKLESS ERIC, The Killers, I LOVE that track by Sigur Ros they used on Planet Earth, Roni Size, SAM COOKE, Scissor Sisters, Shea Seger, Smashing Pumpkins, The Cardigans, The ordinary Boys (even if that bloke was on Big Brother), Boca 45, KOHEI MIHARA, Nitin Sawhney, Nikka Costa... i'm going to stop now, my fingers are getting tired!


Shit, i'm going to have to write another list... OK!... AKIRA, THE GOONIES, BLADE RUNNER (either version) Oldboy, Ghost In The Shell (and the sequel, "Innocence"), Appleseed, Ghostbusters, RAGING BULL, Insomnia, BLOW, Sin City, Clerks, PAN'S LABYRINTH, Tank Girl, Ghost Dog, FARGO, Hana-bi, Sonatine, Brother, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, Robocop, Terminator, Alien, Crash, CHINATOWN, Beyond The Mat, UNITED 93, Anchorman, ON THE WATERFRONT, THE HUSTLER, The Godfather (only the first two!), Miami Vice, Superman Returns, Batman Begins, LA HAINE... Too many more to mention


I watch too much of it, but sometimes thats not enough and I have to get TV shows on DVD too... Miami Vice, Full Metal Alchemist, The A-Team, The Sopranos, The Shield, 24, Match of the Day, Malcolm In The Middle, Monkey Dust, Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex, South Park, anything with a WWE stamp on it (as Dan would say, "its Hilarious"), PLANET EARTH (which is fucking incredible), Top Gear, and Ray Mear's Extreme Survival


Oakley Waterman, and my parents

My Blog

North Oxford vs UNION STREET

Share my soap ..A proper hard pitch and no mistakin. The winds of Thor creating a pleasing ripple in the hoops of green and white. A dumpy, grumpy, numpty ref, with a two-meter tape measure he knows h...
Posted by Mark on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 11:11:00 PST

10 Things: Automotive gripes

Why can some people simply not drive, or at least why cant they drive in a proper and useful manner. Yesterday I was driving along a road with cars on both sides. That said, there was enough room for ...
Posted by Mark on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 08:50:00 PST


Street wallow in their own turgescence ..> Turgid adj 1 swollen or distended. 2 of language, a speech, or a piece of writing, etc: pompous or bombastic and lacking any liveliness of style.Swollen? ...
Posted by Mark on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 07:12:00 PST

UNION STREET vs Tetsworth

BBC Get It Wrong Again ..> .. Ba-boom!Two TeamsBoo, boom!One TrophyBang-a-boom!The CJL Cup - Great Sport on the BBC.Message to the BBC. DO NOT send that decrepit old fool John Craven again to cove...
Posted by Mark on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 12:55:00 PST

Lover, You Should've Come Over

Looking out the door I see the rain fall upon the funeral mourners Parading in a wake of sad relations As their shoes fill up with water Maybe I'm too young To keep good love from going wrong But t...
Posted by Mark on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 03:13:00 PST

Fairview vs UNION STREET

Hair today: Street get taken to the barbers ..>..That Union Street have wonderful haircuts has rarely been in dispute throughout their long and, yes, chequered history. Alas, Saturday was such a rare...
Posted by Mark on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:35:00 PST

Follow your nose!

So i've finally done it, i've found my scent, all on my own!I say all on my own, I was advised to go and sniff lots of things, get lots of samples etc, but HOORAY to me, I made the decision all myself...
Posted by Mark on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 01:36:00 PST

In search of my feminine side...

Times where when being a man meant mud under the fingernails, holes in your shoes and sweat patches under your armpits. Nobody would mind because you were obviously going about doing manly things, and...
Posted by Mark on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:10:00 PST

Shelly Arms vs UNION STREET

Rise like Lions after slumber ..>..Street were solid, solid, solid. Like a rock. Like some minty green and white rock with the words SOLID BADGER running through it. The kind of team who, once the ce...
Posted by Mark on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 03:46:00 PST

UNION STREET vs North Oxford Reserves

Alas due to knee injury I had to sit this one out... I say sit out, I was linesman for the day. Really wanted to play in this one as I reckon I could have scored, their keeper was in funking trainers!...
Posted by Mark on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 03:52:00 PST