We are thrilled to announce that Konnex Records (www.konnex-records.de/) has released our new trio cd "beauty". The new cd was formally released August 2007 and features Gary Hassay on alto saxophone and voice (harmonic singing), Tatsuya Nakatani on percussion and Dan DeChellis on piano.We would also like to say how pleased we are to announce the release of "Live at WDIY" on Foreign Frequency Records (www.foreignfrequency.com/). This is a 12" clear vinyl record with a CD of the complete concert included inside the record package. The musicians playing on this release are Gary Hassay, Dan DeChellis and Tatsuya Nakatani. The trio would like to thank http://radio1190.org for naming the record one the best "out jazz" releases of 2007.The Hassay/Rogers duo "To Be Free" was recorded January 24, 2004 at Westwires Recording USA (www.westwires.com). We are excited to announce that the cd was released September, 2006 by German jazz label Konnex Records. It is available for purchase from Konnex Records (www.konnex-records.de/) or from Gary's website (www.garyhassay.com). Please contact
[email protected] if you would like more information about any of the cds, or are interested in purchasing or helping to promote our music.