Member Since: 3/17/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Chris L
Lil Leesey
Chris Columbus
The One
Chrissy Elliot
Influences: Ahmos ,
Analyst ,
DJ Answer ,
Antidote ,
Ants ,
Assa ,
Baron Samedi ,
Beit Nun ,
Beer & Rap ,Ben B ,
DJ Benny E ,
Butch Touch ,
Connect Logic ,
Chris L ,
Da Sharpest ,
Daywalkers ,
Deadline ,
Dirty Sweet ,
Don't Talk To Strangers ,
Dr Syntax ,
Drunken Monks ,
EdXL ,
Filthy Rich ,
Gangreen ,
Genesis Elijah ,
Gouki Productions ,
HHB Radio ,
HipHoperation ,
Inertia ,
Intermet ,
Jay Madden ,
Joe Gutta ,
Jimmy Crackstar ,
Jut ,
Lady Paradox ,
Lunatrix ,
DJ Matman ,
Matt R ,
Mic Dyson ,
Mr Dick ,
Naïve ,
Northern Komfort ,
Noz ,
Oh My God ,
Old Owl ,
Ollie K ,
Professor P ,
Pedigree Chumps ,
Plastic Surgeon ,
DJ Pressure ,
Primitive Form ,
Red Eye ,
Redmaster ,
R.O.B ,
Scizzahz ,
Sensa ,
Septus Historia ,
Sirvere ,
Sketchi Fetcha ,
Sklif ,
Stig ,
Surreal Knowledge ,
3 Amigo's ,
Tonn Piper ,
Truth ,
U-Turn ,
Vecta Sigma ,
DJ Vokal ,
White Mantis .
Sounds Like: A combination of God and Ghandi and Muhammed Ali / rolled into one MC with the arms of Arnie
Record Label: Gouki Productions
Type of Label: Indie