Dance consumes a lot me: teaching, directing, performing, and above those - learning. Pictures are great.. I like to capture everything in its time. Can't say I don't get the itch from the fashion bug.. Squandering paychecks on shrinking my closet space can be addicting. And food! i'm thin and i can eat whatever the heck i want. that's wassup.
80% of the things we worry about never actually happen. the 20% that does is never as bad as it seems. -miles mcpherson.
Quality over quantity. And i've got ears for a lot of genres.
Whatever my friends get me hooked on. Recently: Grey's Anatomy, SVU, Entourage, Lost, Project Runway, and Heroes. Otherwise, late night re-runs.
The Bible, Psychology texts, and anything else interesting.
Jesus, for dying for us. My family, who have sharpened my edges, and shaped my foundation. BASIC: Brother and Sisters I'll always have. Pop Stars: for memories and life experiences I'll always remember. My dance influences: For setting standards that ultimately drive a dancer to simply 'keep going'.