Bomby RoX profile picture

Bomby RoX

Bomby RoCx YouR SoCx ;)

About Me








more about me...

Hey!!! I love my family and friends. I love supportive, funny, cute guys :)! I am unpredictable, childish, and fun to be around ;)!!! I can't stand girls obsessing over their weight. I love guys all the way but also curious about being with girls too. So, leave me a comment, my message box is SO FULL. I post bulletins for my friends for favors, so don't hate me. Hehe. :) And as always, add my profiles, it makes me feel special :-P.

Now for some serious stuff... HATERS SCREW OFF!!!!! I'M SICK OF YOUR STUPID SPAM!!! I don't care what people think about me, if you wanna call me a slut, or dumb blonde I don't care. I'm proud of myself and love who I am. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. Most people are just ignorant or jealous. Don't spam me with stupid comments or send me threatening messages. I'm NOT naked in my pictures and I don't flirt with underaged guys, lay off moms! And realize that there actually are bigger and more important problems out there in the world and on myspace. And people, wake up, someone knows your password if you're going around leaving profile tracker all over my myspace.

Like I said, I don't have time to read all my messages. Some of you message me two word messages and I usually don't respond to that. The best way to reach me is through comments, and I'm sure if you've commented me a lot I've recongized you and wrote back to you most likely. Just incase you're wondering, I do have real life friends which I don't put all over my myspace because they like to keep their friend count under 100.

I like older guys mostly. I like all kinds, tall, short, skinny except I don't like Jews... too cheap for me.. LOL!! I want a guy who’s intelligent, supportive, funny, romantic, courageous, great body, kind, sensitive, and gentle. I'm also in college right now, I'm hoping to become an elementary school teacher. But I really need money right now but it's hard to hold a job and go to school at the same time. My dad is making me pay this semester and it really sucks. Ok so, I'm asking for donations. Any amount would help. D Please guys :)!

Love you all, Bomby

Don't forget to add me ;)!!

My Interests

Drinking, Clubbing, Shopping, Modeling, Talking on the phone, Cooking esp. Cheese Quesadillas :-P, Etc...

I'd like to meet:

Peter North


Anything Hip Hop, R&B, and Pop.


The Notebook, Bridget Jone's Diary, Pretty Woman, The Goonies, Swordfish, Independence Day, The Little Mermaid, It Takes Two


I'd say Beauty and The Geeks (That's hella funny!!), Friends, Sex and the City, anything on MTV & E! !!!


The Art of Seduction , lol I'm just teasing you guys.... you wish!! But I love reading magazines like Vogue, Maxim ;)


I love these girlies :)! Ha RIP Beautiful :(!!!!

My Blog

Bombshell Birthday!!!!!!

Hi everyone! I'm really excited!!!!!! It's my birthday, I'm 20 years old, which is good because I'm one year closer to 21 which is the legal drinking age. Lol! A couple of my closest best friend...
Posted by Bomby RoX on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 08:46:00 PST

Does Bombshell like girls or guys more?

Let's see here. I get this question sometimes. Well personally I like guys and girls the same, I find them both equally attractive. Guys are perverted, sweet, goofy, tall, outgoing, and take more ris...
Posted by Bomby RoX on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 11:00:00 PST

My News Years Resolution

Okay, I have 3 main goals!!! (lol no order) 1.) Have a 3.5 GPA average. Lol good luck for me. 2.)Buy a puppy dog. I saw one at the mall. So.. cute I fell in love :D! But it was like $300, so I'll hav...
Posted by Bomby RoX on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 10:43:00 PST

If I'm In Your Top 8

I love you!!!!!!!  Hehe... If I'm in your top 8, PLEASE tell me in my blog, I'll be 100% sure to comment you back something awesome. Hehe, thanks  for everyone's support!!!  ...
Posted by Bomby RoX on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 09:48:00 PST

Responding to messages....

Hey guys... Ok, don't hate me if you wrote me a message and I didn't reply right away. I just get tons of messages. But some of them are so similar like "Hey, what's up?" and "You look sexy". Lol... s...
Posted by Bomby RoX on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 05:47:00 PST

Put your Banner/Link On My Myspace

I'll get right to the point first off.... The deal is if you donate $5 to me, I'll put your banner/link or whatever you want up on my myspace for 2 months under my 'About Me' section. The banner can't...
Posted by Bomby RoX on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 12:03:00 PST

I found the man of my dreams....

And here he is.... I'm sorry if anyone out there of you is disappointed. But yeah, this is the guy I want to be with. He's perfect for me!!! Isn't he cute and cuddly? Hehehe.... ...
Posted by Bomby RoX on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 02:42:00 PST

People Can Be So Wonderful

I just want to say that despite the fact that theres weridos, horny guys, guys that make profiles with hot chicks and put lesbian LOL  on myspace, there are actually really sweet people...
Posted by Bomby RoX on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 07:17:00 PST

Need for Popularity!

It's like I've always realized high school life to be a total popularity contest. And even though, I was with the popular crowd and hung out with all the wrong people it was pretty lame but, whatever,...
Posted by Bomby RoX on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 08:58:00 PST

Want to be on my TOP 8?

If you guys want to be on my top 8, theres a way!!! Message me with "TOP 8" in the header and I'll let you know how to do it. If you can't already guess what it is... hehehehe... ...
Posted by Bomby RoX on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 02:29:00 PST