Torres [G.F.S.] profile picture

Torres [G.F.S.]

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Miguel Angel Torres, but people call me (Michael, Mike, Mi Mi, Torres, T.O.) and what ever else they want to call me. I'm a pretty kool and chill guy to be around. I'm also str8 up and blunt. I like messin around a lot, sometimes a little too much but that never hurt anybody right? I'll tell you exactly how it is, some people hate me for it, and some people like me for it. People think i talk shit when i don't, it's funny how someone can talk shit on someone else when they don't even associate with them or even care bout them, but oh well. I don't let little things bring me down and especially don't like dealing with drama b-cuz it's a fuckin waste of time and it's pointless. Some people just need to grow up and act their age, they also need to be greatful for what they have in their life. I'm enjoying my life to it's fullest and loving it. I'm a real family oriented guy, i love my moms to death and i'll do anything for her no matter what, b-cuz i'm her baby!!! ha ha. I'll also do what ever for my pops and my 3 bros and my only sis. i like to do what every late teenager likes doin, having fun, parting, and what ever else keeps us entertained. I like sports but espcially baseball GO DODGERS!!!! that's pretty much it peoples, need to know anything else, let me know, I'm outy!!!Pinch Hitter 2
Let's Make It Happen Blue Crew!!!

My Interests

Sports and the Ladies










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I'd like to meet:

Myspace Countdowns at WishAFriend.com20 reasons to date A Baseball Player:20. We peak our best in the spring, but well play all year long.19. We know how to use the bats.18. We know how to sacrifice for the team.17. We prep the field before we get started, and clean it after were done.16. Only the best play.15. Were not done til sumone scores.14. Were taught to try to hit it into the gaps.13. we love to get down and dirty.12. Were used to going back to back doubleheaders.11. We do it morning, day and night.10. We have great hands.9. We are used to scoring no matter what base we're on.8. We have tremendous endurance.7. We always use a glove.6. We don't stop 'til the job is done, and there is always extra innings.5. We like to touch every base carefully.4. We dive face first into the grass.3. We take the extra base if we can get it.2. We slide into home really hard.1. We can do it in all 9 positions. I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics


Anything that makes the ladies get up and shake their asses!!!






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Simpsons, Family Guy, The Chappelle Show, Mad TV, ESPN, Sports Center, and anything else that's intertaining. img src="http://pic.../img/i110144994_43813.gif" border=0 alt


(Ethier)(Martin)(Furcal)(Loney)(Broxton)(Pierre)(D.Lowe)(Pen ny)(Piazza, back in the good days)(Vizquel, best shortstop ever!!!)(A-Rod, next HR Champ)(Jeter)(Big Daddy Vlady)(Kendrick)(Big Pappi Ortiz)(G.Laird)(Rose)(Chavez)(Puljos)(Kobe)(...more Kobe)(Farmar)(Fisher)(Bynum)(Howard)(Rice, best WR ever)(Gore)(V.Davis)(T.O.)(Ladianian Tomlinson says "GET Off ME!!")(...More L.T.)(Brady)(Manning)(Urlacher)(Rampage)(Rampage and Henderson)(Couture)a href


Your Mom