My name is Cesar,I'm Lil' Cesar, am originally from Sinaloa Mexico, I came to Los Angeles Ca. about 19 yrs ago.I went to middle and high school in the city of South Gate, thank God I graduated from Highschool. After I finish school and I stared working to help out my family. Years went by andI got involved in the entertaiment not by accident by choice, so far I've done severalthings like theater plays, music videos, and movies, my latest movie participated was"Chencho el Gran Dote", starring Richard Villa the host for the Hollywood Improv on Fridays.Now am the Vice President of a real important hispanic company which is "LEGENDARYENTERTAIMENT" that at this point we are growing gradually. I am the host for LEGENDARY tv or, of course am still doing my acting whenever Iget a little chance. Our main duty is to promote the latino talent and to let the worldknow that we have all the potencial to overcome the unthinkable. Hispanics are not the onlypeople we see for, other ecthnicity of course. If you need some exposure we'll arrange ameeting to make sure that will be giving you the best exposure suitable for yourneeds!
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