The Swirlmaster has been travelling the world in search of gold and power for a number of years now. During these travels he encountered Carl, a man of Solid Gold. The Swirlmaster captured Carl and held him for nearly twelve years. Unfortunately one day Carl escaped and the chase was on. The Swirlmaster is loathe to admit it, but Carl has outwitted him time and again through the years. What's more, as the decades pass by The Swirlmaster gets older but Carl stays ever youthful. It is infuriating to the Swirlmaster.
During these long years of travel the Swirlmaster has encountered many friends and foes. Among them MacDo..., Uber-Nana , Clara , Kelly, Slatvania, Koppernick and many more. However, the worst enemy of all is the Grey Hooded Boy! The Swirlmaster has fought him many times with few true victories. In addition to these rogues and scallywags the Swirlmaster has faced off against undead pirates, cursed knights, and even blind guardians.
The Swirlmaster has been known to undertake many a epic quest. Once he went in search of The Sword of Souls. Together with Clara and The Uber-Nana the Swirlmaster traveled across the globe in search of the blade. He has yet to discover it. On another venture he was transformed into a hideous demon creature for a time. When that terrible fiasco ended he was reduced to the form a small babe. He spent some time in the care of Uber-Nana before he was restored to adulthood. On another journey the Swirlmaster stumbled into the middle of The City of Doors. He doesn't even remember how he got out of that situation.
The Swirlmaster is currently working on several projects, most of which should be complete next year.