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Bettina Berlin

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About Me

A FOND ADIEUThere comes a time in everyone's life when a good evaluation is necessary. Sometimes we need to look at where we have been in life, where we are, and where we seem to be going. I have reached that point in my life. After lots of blood, sweat and tears I have reached a major decision. My life has taken many weird turns lately. I have looked at my life from every direction, weighed the pros and cons and have decided it is time to move on to bigger and better things. Therefore I must let everyone know at this time that this will be my last column in Inside/Out. I have enjoyed writing the column weekly. I am grateful to Linda Welch for giving me the platform and allowing me full license to say what I wanted. I am thankful to my faithful readers also. You have kept it interesting for me. When I started the column I knew that some of my opinions would make waves or cause controversy. I knew some would agree and some would disagree. I also knew that some would like me and some would not. That's all in the game. I addressed what I saw as problems in the community and the world in a "call it as I see it" approach. I hope some of you were entertained, inspired or prompted to action. My desire was to at least make you think. I hope I achieved that at least. I will miss the column, but it is time to move on.As for Bettina, I have also seen a longing for greener pastures. Bettina will return to the Hollywood of the past and like many others, be remembered by some and forgotten by others. That too is part of the game. One is forgotten quickly in this ever changing world. As for special appearances, you may see me out for Pride or Halloween maybe. I haven't of course, decided that yet. I want to thank all of those who have supported me when I was entertaining...and continue to support me now. Some of you have become dear to me over the years and I appreciate you very much. I would also like to thank all of you who didn't like or support me...and those who even booed when my name was announced. You made me determined and successful. In fact, you helped me more than you will ever know.(I know that infuriates you, LOL).So, Bettina Berlin has gone into complete Garbo mode. It is time to disappear from society. But I would like to leave something with all of you.1. Be yourself. Never let anyone or any group of people dictate who or what you should be.2. Be nice to people. We are a community and we need to act like it.3. Respect the older people in the GLBT community. They fought for you to have what little freedom you do have.4. Don't take your rights lightly. Fight for them.5. Don't be so quick to judge someone based on their appearance. You may miss a real thing by being shallow.6. Remember that the world does not revolve around you. That's a silly thing to believe. Besides, it revolves around me. LOL7. Pay attention to the world around you...what goes on in the news. It affects your life. You can't be an ostrich with its head in the sand forever.8. Believe in something. As the old saying goes, "You have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything."9. Remember, a real friend is one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.10. Most importantly, I know sex is fun. Sometimes getting drunk or high can be fun for those who want to do it. Just remember that there is a fine line between fun and stupid. Always be safe. The "Monster" is still alive, only sleeping.So now it's time to go. Thank you again for your support. I wish you all a fond "adieu." Oh dear, my limo has arrived. Got to run. Love to you all! Goodbye my darlings! Remember: In the immortal words of Auntie Mame, "Live! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"Ciao!NOTE: IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN TOUCH WITH ME, CHECK OUT EITHER WWW.MYSPACE.COM/JUSTRIKKE1 OR WWW.MYSPACE.COM/LUXORCREATIONS