HISTOLOGY Baybee!!!! I still love parasites, but I've learned to love other ailments too.
Anyone, I'm friendly.
I like it all, I especially like it if you can dance to it.
Horror Horror and Horror with the occasional gut wrenching, wrist opening drama. I like movies that make you feel sad or horrified. A lot of people don't like depressing shit, but I'm guessing it's beacause they have plenty of it in their lives. Sorry I can't empathize, but hey make a movie and I'll probably see it. Oh by the way Rob Zombie is a genius.
Whatevers in Hi Def
I love to read. The list is so long I wont' even start it, but if it won any sort of award for literature that is usually a good sign. I also love the classics.
Ed Gein, Hannibal Lecter, and my parents.