EL TANGENTE profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

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It's a task in itself to balance the tone of ambivalence and anticipation when filling out profiles these days. With so many of them about, it's a wonder anyone reads them given the circus of pretty, self centred emo-kids unhealthily obsessed with mother's make-up drawer.
As you might have noticed, I'm not one of those. So, how to generate an air of curiosity without appearing pretentious or taking oneself too seriously, where more than half prospective visitors will have made their mind up about you within three seconds of seeing the mug-shot?
I used to spend a lot of time analysing existence to the n'th degree, only to get nowhere and so, realising intelligence - not to mention self awareness - was a curse, I decided it was time to get a life and have some fun.
I did this by looking at everything and everyone as if I were from another planet (and many still find the converse a difficult concept to grasp) with a naive curiosity. This was a good idea, or more accurately a nervous reaction, because it seems I'm pretty crap at reading other people and tend to talk too much anyway. As a result I became a good listener, but don't worry, it didn't last...
I'm a devoted advocate of Occam's razor, and this instils in me a need to question everything, and find the inherent simplicity (and hence, I believe, beauty) in the world around me. In conversation this can also be called Devil's advocacy, which wouldn't be too far wrong for some people as I'm also an atheist.
With the debates that arose between myself and other earthlings I became very outspoken and on occasions insensitively impassioned. I've since found that the teeth and lip make good acquaintances in situations like these.
Throughout my life so far, i've learnt that those who appear simple are usually the most complex, and those who appear complex usually like to appear so, and are in reality not difficult to grasp. I fall into the latter, and these literary attempts to appear wise beyond my years and multifaceted are perhaps a little misleading. However, I have written this in a similar way to how I think - in small chunks of constantly jostling scepticism and idealism.
As someone who wears their heart on there sleeve most of the time, I don't really understand people who deliberately try to appear elusive, to illicit a response or the illusion of depth. Perhaps that's ironic, I just don't know. Despite my stubborness I find myself rather susceptible to conversion and/or persuasion with a good debate, so keep at it. I think this means that I don't take myself too seriously, although you'll have already made your mind up on that about 104 seconds ago.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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My match?

My Blog


I agree that society is made up of an extensive spectrum of inteliigence levels. I am cognitive enough to know my relative level of intelligence and to recognise those of others. Nevertheless,&...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 08:18:00 GMT


Goddamit this site and all the rest, they're all the same. When will they realise that astrological star signs are not regularly calculable just by someone's birth date! I was born in 1983. On that fa...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 16:28:00 GMT


Well finally after much wrestling with my keyboard and sanity simultaneously i have managed to finally master the convoluted HTML page structure and format my site in a relatively fancy way, and not ...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 15:41:00 GMT