Rheanna Fancypants profile picture

Rheanna Fancypants


About Me

I like to draw pretty ladies with ample bosoms and high heels.


I also liked pirates before it was cool.

If you aren't some crazy, rad artist or someone i know in real life already, send me a message if you add me as a friend to introduce yourself! If not i just get confused and your friend request sits in my inbox for days and weeks, and i just stare at it not sure what to do. Really.

My Interests

daring adventures and amazing escapes, cats, art

I'd like to meet:

Low brow and pin up artists, DIY designers, kustom kulture aficionados, sexy ladies and anyone else who thinks that designer handbags are horribly overrated.
And you know who you would like to meet? My kitty Bellatrix.


Just about everything, and the stuff i dislike isn't worth mentioning


black and white things with subtitles, films where the ending isn't really happy but still satisfying, silly animated things i watched when i was a kid


Oh goodness, a whole bunch. Reading is lovely!


My mom and gramma