Hmmmmmmmmm.. What can I say? Well first off I'd like to say that I'm a people person. I can get along with just about anybody, but do I have my picks and chooses. I can't stand lying ass people, that shit just makes my blood boil! I love doing hair, been doing it for hella years now in the kitchen (LOL) and its time to make a change. I love being around my folks when we can tolerate each other. As you can tell I'm at the club all the damn time from the look of my pics. Oh yea, I'm hella funny,goofy, crazy, serious at times, oh, and let's not forget SEXY than a muuufaaah! And one other thing, if you don't like me, BITCH don't speak and act like you do. That's that BITCH-ASS-NESS! I don't need it. GET GROWN!"; I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!