Drum and Bass. Situations that seem to make no sense(like this). 'My only friend'. Long count .People watching.The ever constant decay of the world. Entropy. The audacity of social gravity. The Heights of despair. Super-string theory. Being. Mass amounts of people. Death. Western Lit. The other 90%. Parables. Music. Awkwardness in times of uncertainty. Lachrymology. The joy of frustration. Synthesizers. Making noizez. Being a drunken lush. Arguments. Playing dead. Dull lighting. Nag Champa. The underlining pessimism of human nature. The delirium of self-aggrandizement hidden beneath meekness. Sarcasm. The will to power that is masked by goodness. Meloncholia. Going to Pierre La Chase and Montparnasse Cemetery before I die. Talking about philosophy Ad Nauseam. The absurdity of human existence. The lack of will this civilization has. Monkeys. Aphorisms. Rain. The mind's negation. Eastern Lit. Non-Being. The familiarity in all temptation. Self cultivation of suffering. Repetition of history in an ever decaying somatic system. Wine. Sleeping forever. Fog. Far Arden. Aural acoustic spasms. Pictures. Shadows. The Metaphysics of sex. Quiet girls. Yaeger bombs. Soft events. Confusion. Las Vegas. beats preferably around 170-180 bpm. Deep Durty Bass. Campfires. Being a Fool for the masses. MetaSystem Transition Theory. The New gods. Dull tapestries. Hallways. Knobs'n'Faders. Yuengling. Soft Jazz. Car rides.
Intelligent and open minded people. Some seem to think this applies to them, but it doesn't apply to all that think they are.
Martina Topley-Bird
The Brown nosed gnome with the sling-shot.
DnB ,Dubstep, Grime Idm, Okkervil River, Loney Dear, Marissa Nadler, Daughter Darling, Bjork, Cowboy Junkies, Nightmares on Wax.
James Brown, Bill Whithers, Moder Jords Massiva, Nenah Cherry, Marley,
Son House, Bessie Smith, Buddy Guy, The Ronettes, Sam Cooke, Ben E. King, Memphis MinnieBig Mamma Thornton, Howlin Wolf, B.B. King, Chris Thomas King, Bill Withers, Nina Simone, Ray Charles, Betty Carter, Ritchie Valens, Beth Gibbons(portishead), Lou Rhodes(Lamb), Amel Larrieux, Fiona Apple, Syreeta, Bob Dylan, Al Green, Billy Joel, Moody Blues, 10cc, Henry Nilsson, Santo and Johnny, The Doors, Morcheeba, Stevie Wonder, The Postal Service,
Murs, Cage, El-p, Head Automatica, Gangstar, Erykah Badu, Rjd2, Mr. Lif, Perceptionsits, Rakim, KRS.
Ewun, the whole ROCDNB crew, Teebee, Ed Rush, Optical, Photek, Spor, Noisia, Pacific, Evol Intent, Pendulum, Konsta, John B, Ben Sage, Psidream, Vector Burn, Subfocus, Gein, SPL, Raiden, Tech Itch, Kemal, Dylan, Dom n Roland, C4C, Kryptic Minds, Leon Switch, dualTRX, BSE, Up Beats, Andy C, Paul B, Bad MF, SKC, Mason, D-star, Chase & Status, Chris Su, Concord Dawn, Submerged, Breakage.
The Streets,
Leaving Las Vegas, Disco Pigs.
Avalon, Altered States, Human Traffic, Meet the Feebles, Barfly, The Doors, Metropolis, Donnie Darko, Flat-liners, Equilibrium, City of the Lost Children, Ghost in the Shell, Dark City, Zaion, Lane, Spirited Away, Gummo, The Elegant Universe, Identity, Great Expectations,Do the Right Thing, Lost In Translation, What Dreams May Come, The Deciver, Four Rooms, Party Monster, Usual Supsects, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, American Beauty, Vanilla Sky, Swingers, High Fidelity, Pi, Kids, StoryTelling, Coffee and Cigarettes, Mullholland DR., The Loss of Sexual Innocence, Hero, Run Lola Run, Brazil, Oh yeah Resivoir Dogs SUCKS by the way. Im sorry to all those whom I offend. As much as I love the fact that everyone dies in the end. It is by far the worst movie I've seen in a long time. The Village. M. Night Shaymalan is a Genius, Colleen Haskell, Anything with Shannyn Sossamon.
Scrubs and the Arts channel at 3am with the volume down low.
Some Schopenheur
Some Kierkegard
Recently I've been getting more into Unamuno.
Also Jung's lectures on "Nietzsche's Zarathustra"
Blake - Heaven and Hell
Cioran, Camus, Lewis Black, and Mr. Ruggeri