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I Promote Oblivion

About Me

I've become, as I told you, much quieter. Once I did disquieten you with my disquiet. You looked upon me as upon a forest hemming you in with it's thickets, but I'd like to believe now the forest has been thinned, and I mean my temperament, which nowadays resembles a nicely wallpapered sitting room, whereas, at the time of our encounters, it was more undesireably like a moonlit attic. In those days i hadn't yet moved up into the reception of europeandom. For then I often behaved toward you in rather uncivilized ways; and, that said, I stand before you as one asking forgiveness, without being so lacking in taste as to waste words. Yet how lovely it is that all this time i could serve you like your cavalier, for a long time never asking your permission; that's to say, I've written and set before the public a little book, in which you are sitting, as it were, on a bench under leaves that whisper around you, which befriend you, leaf by leaf, and wish you all the happiness that the enthusiastic writer does. You cannot imagine the extent and sincerity of the enthusiasm you aroused in me; and I never expect you to bother about it, either - that would be too onerous a task. Chivalry forbids me to require you to comprehend how I courted you, to grasp the degree to which I, yes, adored you, although that word does have a somewhat trivial ring.Photographs

My Interests

exploration, overcast skies, rain, winter clothing, fishermen, whalers, the sea, der nacht, quality of light, intimacy, cold romance

I'd like to meet:

GG Allin, Varg Vikernes


The Angels of Light, Philip Glass, Emperor, The Stars of the Lid


The 400 Blows, Breathless, Le Jetee, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The White Diamond, Tetsuo:The Iron Man, Harold and Maude, 8 1/2, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy


"Television in the main insulates us from the realities of the world in which we live." - Edward R. Murrow


Ender's Game, Children of the Mind, Venus in Furs, Lolita, Norwegian Wood, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Invisible Cities, HP Lovecraft

My Blog

You are an indie snob! Congratulations, that is, if you consider this anachievement. It's certainly nothing to beashamed of. You really know your stuff andyou're probably a huge suporter of every i...
Posted by cole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST