★B-R-i-★ profile picture



About Me

waD uP? mY nAmE i$ bRiaNNe or bRi Or LikE EvEYOnE eL$E caLL$ mE bRi.wELL ii LiivE iiN thE 831 $aLiiNa$.TheRe ii$ thii$ One gUY THAt mean$ $O MucH tO mE n ii LOve hiiM wiiT aLL mY hEart whO$ nAmE ii$ jOnaTHaN!!!! wE HAvE beeN gOiinG OuT fOr a yEAr n 5 MonTh$ WhiicH ii$ ThE bE$T yEar n 5 mOnTh$ eVEr!!!! NO GUY CAN EVER TAKE HIIS PLACE N NO ONE EVER WIILL!!!! $O dOnT evEN trY ♥ {$OrrY buT iiT$ tRuE} ii LOve tO maKe pEOPLe LAuGH!!!! eVerYtiiMe yOu hAnG Out wiiT mE iiLL mAKe yOu LAugH nO mAttER waT :)!!!! i u$e tO gO tO nORtH $aLiNa$ HiGh $chOOL!!!! n kiiCk wiiTh aLL ThE hOmiiE$ OvEr tHeRe!!!! bUT nOw ii gO tO mT. tOrO....iiM dOwN fOr aLL mY fRiiEnD$ aNd fAmiiLY iiLL aLwaY$ hAvE yOuR bAcK nO mAttEr WaT!!!! I HATE LIAR$, 2 FACED PEOPLE, $HIT TALKER$, AND PEOPLE THAT ARE FAKE!!!!! OthEr tHaN tHaT iiM heLLa kOOL. iiM OutGOinG eA$Y tO taLK tO aNd iiM kNOwN tO $PeAk mY miiNd aNd aL$O tO bE LOud!!!! ii AL$O teLL yOU ThiinG$ $tRaiiGht uP tO yOuR fAcE I HATE PEOPLE THAT BEAT AROUND THE BUSH AND DONT TELL YOU THINGS $TRAIGHT TO YOUR FACE.... ThAt$ HELLA dUmb n CHiiLdii$H....anYwaYz mY favOriitE cOLOR$ aRE rEd aNd bLaCk!!!!! uMmMm wAt E$Le???? ii L0vE tO pLaY $OftBaLL thAt$ LikE mY LiifE riiTe TheRE, thAt$ mY fAvOriitE $pOrt....ii LOvE tO mAkE pEOPLe n $miiLe n ii LiikE tO hAvE fUN N $MiiLe tOO....wELL aNYthiiNG eL$E yOu wAnT tO knOw jUst hiiT mE uP pEaCe LOvE aLwaYZ *bRii* aKa bAbYLOcz****LeO*****Great talker. *Sexy. *Laid back. *Knows how to have fun. *Is really good at fucking. *Great kisser. *Center of attention. *Outgoing. *Down to earth. *Addictive. *Attractive. *Loud. *Loves being in long relationships. *Talkative. *Not one to mess with. *Rare to find. *Good when found. thats everything that iam stars layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com music / movies

My Interests

iiM aLwaY$ gOiiN tO LOvE HiiM

I'd like to meet:

i want to meet chriis brown!!!! omg he $o freakin hott t.i, bob marley and mac dre yes ii knOw their dead $hOve it or anyone that wants to talk hit me up

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hip hop, r&b, old school, reggaeii LOVe chRii$ brOwN $O mUCH ♥ hii$ My hUbbYbOb MarLeY


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The OnE n OnLy GOD this is my best friend vanessa in the whole world there is nothing me and this girl havent been through we have been through the thick and thin and we're always going to be best friends no matter what! we havent talked to eachother in a while but no matter what we'll was be best friends until the very end. she has me back and she knows i have her back.tHi$ bE bRiiT Thii$ ii$ ONE Of mY bE$t fRiiEND$ WE mET AT nOtrE DAmE $HE iiS HeLLA DOWN fOr AnYthiiNG LOL THAnk$ fOr EvEryTHiinG AND BeiiNg ThEre fOr mE whEn ii nEEd yOU!!!!My hOMEgiiRL MaRY JAnE n meeH ii LOvE thii$ giirL $hE ha$ aLWaY$ beeN ThErE fOr meeH ThanK$thI$ bE My OTheR gOOd friiEND AmAnDA $HE KeeP$ iiT ReaL n She'LL aLawY$ mY BAcK n iiLL aLway$ HAvE HEr$thii$ ii$ KRii$ HE ii$ hELLA kOOL ii KnEW thI$ GUy fOR LiikE EvEr He ALWAY$ MAkE$ ME LAuGH n $miiLe$ HE$ hELLA kOOL N $iingLe LAdiE$ hiiT UP LOL PLU$ HE $ucK$ At fOOtbALL ju$t kiiDDiiN kri$ yOuR tHe be$T LOL

My Blog

answer the questions please

1. who r u?! 2. would u be my friend? 3. would u kiss me? 4. would u kiss me w/ur tongue? 5. would u hug me? 6. would u die 4 me? 7. would u be here 4 me wen I really nee...
Posted by *::iiM gOiiN tO mii$$ yOu baBy::* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST