Videogames, Writing/Reading Poetry, Painting, Shoes, Hanging out with Friends, Music, oh yeah and Shoes... =D
People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind. Think big anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People really need help but may attack if you help them. Help people anyway. Give the world the best you have and you might get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you've got anyway.
I would love to meet Ville Valo ~ duh!
"Really, we just wanted to rock our own socks off." — H.I.M.'s Ville Valo
HIM - I'm totally obsessed!
King Arthur... LoVe that movie. I really have no specific taste, I'll watch it as long as it intrigues me =)
I don't watch much tv... but when I do get control over the remote =P I like to watch Futurama, Family Guy, Sex and the City and Spongebob! =D However, most of the time Blake has control over the remote and we end up watching the Military Channel or Cops. =(~ Boo!
Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer - She needs to hurry her fingers and come out with the remaining book already! The anticipation is killing me! .
If you asked me 10 years ago, I would never of guessed I would one day say this... but when I grow up, I want to be like my mom. She never fails to amaze me. And in my opinion, someone who never gives up, always supersedes expectations, saves/helps/is there for you when you least expect it, is a hero. And my mom is mine.