Patrick profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Let's see... what can I say about myself? Shit, I can go on for days - although I don't necessarily think these are things I should go on for days about... I mean, if you don't already know what I'm like, you will either (a) find out in person, which is always a treat (Right?? right) or (b) you will move along from this profile (exit.. stage right!). I mean, I can be a real pain in the ass, but my friends either love me or hate me... I think most of them ride the fence on that one, personally. I am a character sometimes but I love them all, honest! I will go out of my way for all 'em bitches!
Oh.. I need to put more stuff in? I guess this "About me" crap has to have some relevant content...
I work in Corporate Finance at a Hedge Fund in Midtown. When I'm not busy doing that... holy shit, that's a good question... when am I not busy doing that? Oh I remember now.. yes - when I'm not doing that, I'm at gay church (aka. the gym) or - and this is fairly new - trying to make it to my dance class! (hip hop, if you care to know. and it's damn fun!) I don't have quite as many hobbies as I used to when I was younger, much in the same way I don't seem to have as much time to myself as I did with I was younger. Oh well.
I live in Hell's Kitchen (Manhattan for those Non-New Yorkers) and I seemingly don't leave the neighborhood much unless I'm going "out" somewhere. I just find everything I want to do up here in HK.. like.. eat? and.. drink? and... go to church? ..oh, and my dance class is up here too (did I mention this already? probably).
I'm 27. And my name is Patrick.
How's THAT for an ass-backwards introduction?!
Anything else, just ask.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Real people. This ain't Chutes and Ladders, Patrick don't want none of yo' games. KthxBetch!

My Blog

What is the point.....

BAM!!! Wall of text below!!   So I've come to accept that life, in itself and everything involved, goes about in a series of cycles.  You are born; you grow throughout adolescence into ...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 11:40:00 GMT

it cracks me up...

when people have nothing better to do, and/or nothing more interesting about themselves, that they resort to stealing other people's sayings and then wearing them out like there is no tomorrow.&n...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 10:04:00 GMT

My Pride Hero, mwahahah

Ok so everyone knows I don't write blogs.. or at least serious ones.  So what makes you think that's gonna change, eh???  Nuh uh didn't think so!    Jose (3:57:01 PM): he...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 20:00:00 GMT

So BTW FYI: I'm straight.. case you didnt get the memo

GoWitThaFlow69: are u joking?GoWitThaFlow69 (1:10:46 PM): ur myspace says ur straight, i didnt if that was an early april fools joke or ur were going insaneHeadzInThaCloudz (1:11:08 PM): why would i b...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:26:00 GMT

My first blog

Posted by on Thu, 12 May 2005 07:58:00 GMT