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About Me

My name is Eric, I'm 24 y/o born and raised in Chicago. I'm in a loving relationship with my girlfriend Vicki. We have been dating for over four years now. I love everything about her, and i wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. I love her with all my heart. I love all sports. Especially playing football and softball. I also love to shoot darts and go bowling with my buddies. I am big time Chicago Cubs Fan. Go CUBBIES. .. Get your own free cool template at MySpace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

If I got a chance to meet someone famous it would probably be all the members of Metallica simply because all of there music has touched me in some way or another.


I love all kinds of music, but my favorites would have to be Heavy Metal/Hard rock. Some of my favorite bands are Metallica, Sevendust, Machine Head... I love them all. Well at least most of them.


My favorite movies are Cool Runnings, Brave Heart, Remember the Titans, Forest Gump, and all of the America Pie movies.


I hate to admit it but yes I do watch American Idol. My favorite T.V. show is House & American Choppers. Other then that I really dont watch too much T.V.


My Heroes would have to be my family and all of the U.S. Soliders right now fighting for our freedom.