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My Blog

Buy a house

Can't really get my head around the rescue package by a government we all need rescuing from. What is the point in a stamp duty holiday? Surely we don't want to encourage new buyers, given t...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 17:27:00 GMT


Yes it's the fantastic new Thunder album, but not what this is about. The LHC experiment to recreate the big bang started yesterday. After all of the doom mongers nothing really happened. Not a surpri...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 17:20:00 GMT

Bob is posting a blog

Facebook is back in the news because someone set up a fake profile insulting someone. They came up with the fantastic defence that some people they didn't know, at an impromptu party, spent several ho...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 12:28:00 GMT

What’s a big number?

Summer babies are disadvantaged apparently. This is because we haven't had as long to develop before taking some of the key exams, and this is a bigger factor when you're younger. Some are calling for...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 12:26:00 GMT

Swimming mice

Giving up drinking is bad for you. Like everything else ever. Apparently it makes people mildly depressed. Whilst I take no notice any longer of these endless, contradictory findings what I did find i...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 00:09:00 GMT

Touchy feely

The self interested psychologists have always claimed people need to talk about their problems, bring them out, discuss them, preferably as part of a 20 week course at £100 an hour. However more peopl...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 00:08:00 GMT

Office wisdom

The Office may well be my second favorite show, here are some of my favorite words of wisdom from Mr Michael Scott: I'm an early bird and a night owl. So I'm wise and I have worms Would I rather be ...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 00:21:00 GMT

Wimbledon one month on

Another year over, and the more things change the more they stay the same: Yet another all male womens final. To emphasize this the referee was a man. Why would this be? Women seemed to referee all ...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 00:20:00 GMT


House is by far my favorite show. Part of the appeal is the nature of House himself, a refreshing change to so many of TV's heroes, and the insight and quotes of the show. Here are some of my favorit...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 09:41:00 GMT

Seasons end 2008

So the winter schedule has finished in America. Thanks to the genius' that be cancelling the 4400 there is nothing worth watching over the summer. House was as fantastic as ever. A good arc in pickin...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 09:39:00 GMT