music: punk. d-beat. crust. metal. thrash. rock n roll. playing bass, singing, playing guitar. sewing. making t shirts. art, drawing, painting. tattoos. traveling. working on motorcycles.
i met him. i have him. you dont.
abrasive wheels. attak. annihilation time. appendix. a global threat. anti pasti. aus rotten. aphasia. acdc. anti cimex. asta kask. the actives. amebix. broken bones. blitz. blanks77. black uniforms. bludwulf. borndead. the briefs. the clash. cocksparrer. conflict. crass. complete control. clit45. chaotic alliance. cropknox. chaotic dischord. court martial. chaos uk. choking victim. capitalist casualties. caustic christ. code13. children of bodom. discharge. disorder. the distillers. the dead boys. the discocks. detestation. disrupters. decontrol. ds-13. dystopia. destroy! defiance,ohio. destructors. disclose. dropdead. doom. external menace. elvis costello. english dogs. eater. the expelled. the fits. from ashes rise. fleas and lice. flux of pink indians. green day. gism. gbh. guns n roses. gai. the germs. gauze. grimple. gym class heroes. the game. harum scarum. hellshock. heresy. iron maiden. the insane. johnny thunders. journey. the krum bums. the krays. kaaos. left alone. los crudos. liberty. the locust. lower class brats. lip cream. leftover crack. mob47. motley crue. motorhead. nightmare mode. no cash. new york dolls. 9 shocks terror. the pist. the plasmatics. the partisans. planes mistaken for stars. recharge. rancid. riistetyt. rattus. severed head of state. special duties. subhumans. showcase showdown. skeptix. state of fear. TEENAGE KNOCKOUTS/TKOS. the transplants. tragedy. the threats. T.I. upstab. uk subs. unholy grave. uproar. vice squad. the violators. the varukers. violent society. victims. venom. world burns to death. wolfbrigade. warcry.
i sold them all.
history channel.
i dont read anymore.
chic dagger. aw.