Wendell Higgs-Screen "Masta-Chozen" Augusta, Ga native has played the Slide Trombone for 20 years, Piano for 8+ years and learned to play over 10+ Instruments, as well as write music for all instruments including lyricts. At the age of 15 he recorded first jazz song & Toured Europe one year later performing both symphonic music and jazz. Performances went from New york to Paris, Austria, Italy, Germany, Belgium, London, etc..In 1996 He also performed for the Opening and Closing Ceremony of the Olympic Games as well as 10+ other 1996 Olympic ceremonies. Other achievements include performing with 20+ honors ensembles both Collegiate and International bands recieving the highest honors. He is now Founder and C.E.O. of Dark Alliance Productions. Check us out!www.darkallianceproductions.com