I am just your typical white boy/cherokee musician. Im a working bass player in several bands at the present time. I also started back to school a few years ago to get a degree in pre-med/biology and hope to be in medical school in the near future.
I have been very fortunate to have done alot of unusual things in my life...such as have a large part in a cult zombie movie("The Dead Next Door", by the great director, J.R.Bookwalter.)I have skydived and traveled to Europe. I have worked in a variety of different fields(I get bored easily.) I have even taken part in breaking the world record for playing basketball continuously. 80 hours of constant up and down the court action! The kicker? one week after WE broke the record, a team from Australia went for 89 hours, so we never made it into the record book. Hows that for a kick in the nads? I have also had lots of operations...that is what happens when you get run over by a fork-lift. 4 shoulder surgeries, 2 wrist surgeries and some other, shall we say, less fun ones. Pain....ha, thats for pussies! There is a lot more that I COULD say, buuuuuut, well, I wont go on.....if you have any questions, please fill out the customer comment card or ask the flight attendant and someone will be with you momentarily.....thank you for holding, your call is important to me so please remain on the line and a customer service representative will be with you soon.....for quality assurance, your call may be monitered.....thank you for holding, your call is important to me so please remain on the line and a customer service representative will be with you soon.....press 5 for further options.
and I realize that Curly is one my list twice...thats because he watches over and protects us...like Jebus! We all...as a world community...can use more of Curly in our lives! Trust in him and the world will turn out A-OK!
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