new and improved
I have the worst mood swings you will ever see. I can never make up my mind about anything. I love to smile, it's my favorite; if you can make me smile, I'm yours. My best friends are amazing and I don't know what I'd do without them. I'm not afraid to share my opinion. I'm sort of reserved when it comes to most things, but I do have that fun crazy side in me somewhere. I'm stressed out and frustrated 99% of the time. Failure is my biggest and worst fear. Going to concerts brings out the best of me. I love to love and be loved. I'm extremely nice and over-forgiving. I cry all the time. I sing in the shower, and dance in my underwear. I'm very honest. I'm afraid of the dark. Sometimes I push away the people that mean the most to me, but I always find my way back to them. I can't wait to grow up and start a new life. I look forward to the future and where it will take me. I wish on every star in the sky. I think way too much about anything and everything.
Just give me a chance.