no add bar :D
Jess. she is strong. my true homie. everytime i look she is still there. she has helped me with so much and has opened my eyes. this girl means more to me than i can type, more than you can read, more than anyone could imagine. ily jess.
my band, my brothers.
my sister. dat nigga deborah. she has been a friend since before i even knew what that word really means. and we still stickin it out.
alex, ali, hollix, chollix. this girl is pretty. right? she talks a lot haha :D its good though i like talking to her cause we relate. another point of view. she is funny, inspiring, and she can hang with the boys. i hope she find a special boy for her one day though. soon. yah alex is alex. just gotta know her. 3
my top is in no specific order just so you know. except for #1.
i need to see more.
what about it?