My Blog
ViCe Versa
What if i didn't no my pops and then decide 2 find him, caught hiv and actually used a condom, time was switched from am to pm got 2my job and, 'n' fired my boss cuz i neglected 2 remind him, i was w...
Posted by Isaiah......Real Name No Gimmiks on Tue, 23 May 2006 04:22:00 PST
Whats The DifferenCe
I'm guilty til proven inoCCent in your eye's,A trifeling good 4 nothing dog til you say otherwise, Questioned about what i did wrong if i ever Come home with a surprise, SuCh as flowers or Candy...
Posted by Isaiah......Real Name No Gimmiks on Mon, 22 May 2006 03:56:00 PST
Love Iz Evol Spelled BaCCwardz
Love is when someone looks right in your eye's, Evol is when they baCC on you or lie, same word different definitions don't be suprised, if they help you better yourself and then Cause your dem...
Posted by Isaiah......Real Name No Gimmiks on Mon, 22 May 2006 03:52:00 PST